Chapter 11: Recovery and a New Discovery

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Y/n started to open his eyes and saw the ceiling of what appears to be the infirmary. He had a bandage on his head and was feeling a little headache. He slowly sat up but felt wait on both of his arms. He turned to his right to see Annie laying beside him sleeping peacefully while holding his right arm. He turned to his left to see Mikasa holding his left hand sleeping on his bed.

Y/n: How long was I out?

The then opened revealing Petra with a tray of food and a glass of water.

Petra: Oh you're finally awake.

Y/n: How long did I sleep?

Petra: You slept for a day.

Y/n: Wow. Are we still in the Stohees District?

Petra: Yeah, you passed out when you got out of your Titan form. This two didn't leave you and said they leave if you're finally awake.

Y/n: They are stubborn as I am. *chuckle*

Petra: *giggle* I was a little worried myself.

She kissed his forehead and gave him a hug.

Petra: Just rest for now, okay?

Y/n: Okay. What about Alastrine? Is she okay?

Petra: She's fine. She's in a cell ready to be questioned.

Y/n: If you don't mind, can I be the one to ask the questions? I have a hunch on what they want.

Petra: I'll tell Captain but for now, just rest. See you later little brother.

Y/n: See you sis.

She went towards the door and went out. Just as she was out of the room. Annie and Mikasa started to wake up.

Y/n: Good morning sleepy heads.

He was then enveloped in a tight embrace by the two girls as he hugged them back.

Mikasa: Glad you're okay.

Annie: I was worried when I saw you bleeding. Just glad you woke up.

Y/n: Yeah me too. You girls want to eat? Big sis brought food.

Mikasa: Sure, I haven't ate anything yet.

Annie: Me too.

They then started to eat the food Petra bought. They started to feed Y/n as he gladly accepted it making the two girls squeal in joy until the door opened revealing Y/n's mother Shiva.

Shiva: Am I interrupting something?

Y/n: No mom, please come in.

Shiva: Glad you're fine sweetie. I started to panic when they brought you asleep.

Y/n: I'm fine now mom. I was just tired. I used to much energy from that fight.

Shiva: You know, when I saw the scene earlier. You guys look like a married couple.

The two girls blushed as Y/n just chuckled as his mother's antics.

Y/n: Don't worry Mom, we'll get to that soon.

Shiva: I can't wait for my grandbabies. I want to spoil them so much.

Mikasa: I-Is that a little too soon Mrs. L/n?

Annie: Y-Yeah and I think I'm still not ready to be a mother.

Shiva: Oh shush you two, it'll happen in the future anyways.

Y/n: Where's Sophie mom?

Shiva: She's with Petra at the moment. She's really attached to her. And she said her first words.

(ON HOLD) The Ultimate Titan (Annie X Male Titan shifter X Mikasa)Where stories live. Discover now