Evil Boss

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Another day another dollar, that was the usual thing Beyoncé told herself to make it through the work day. Being a CEO was no easy feat and each day proved another new challenge needing to be tackled.

Today's challenge being figuring out the new designs for the Ivy Park winter launch. Beyoncé had been putting this off for the longest, she had no idea the direction she wanted to go in or even a color scheme or a theme at all. Consistently she told herself I'll take care of it next week and with winter now right around the corner 'next week' had finally come.

She now sat in the middle of a meeting listening as ideas got thrown around and bounced off one another. Or at least she was supposed to be, the truth is she should've been more focused. But she wasn't, life had been stressful as of late and the only thing her mind could manage to do was focus on random faces in the room giving unwarranted analysis of their lives based off the little she knew.

Cindy; always has so much to say... too much sometimes. I wonder if her husband feels the same.

Johnny; so dependable. Not even sure if he's ever contributed a thought to a single conversation but he's always where you need him, however you need him, when you need him.

"How do you feel about that Bey?"

"Hm?" Beyoncé immediately turned her head towards the white woman sitting next to her. She was a chatter box as well. Beyoncé could never remember if her name was Mandy or Molly.

"I asked if you like that idea." Beyoncé still hadn't a clue what she was talking about.

"Certainly, I think it's nice." She nodded anyways having no desire to hear her regurgitate it back at her.

Easily enough her mind quickly returned to its last distraction. Her brain curated a quick summary for almost everyone in the room. All except for one she'd almost forgotten about.

Onika; quiet girl... seems standoffish but is rather nice. Not much of a personality, don't really know anything about her... gorgeous though.

Suddenly Beyoncé heard a heavy sigh next to her. "Okay it's clear she isn't even listening, Beyoncé if you don't want to do a winter release just let us know and we can reconvene in a week or two to start working on spring." Jeffrey spoke to the right of her.

"Jeffrey it sounds like you just tried to raise your voice at me and catch an attitude. If that's the case you're more than welcome to leave out that door over there and never come back. However if that's not the case and you're simply mistaken then we can take a lunch break and reconvene in an hour."

The man's pale face turned a bright shade of red as he swallowed his pride.

"What'll it be Jeffrey?" Beyoncé lifted a brow lightly tilting her head.

He sighed embarrassed.

"I was just mistaken." He practically mumbled.

"Thought so." Beyoncé spoke before swiftly standing from her seat and exiting the meeting room.

She didn't have to go off in that manner, truthfully. And Beyoncé knew so as well, however Jeffrey had been trying her a great deal lately and he needed a good check. She also needed a break, focusing at all was giving her a headache at this point, maybe a break would give her a nice reset in order to focus later like she really needed to.

Beyoncé considered her options. Running down town for a coffee break; No, she wasn't in the mood for coffee, or bakery goods in general. She could run to her house for a minute; that wouldn't be smart, by the time she made it there she'd have to turn around and head right back making it a pointless trip. She could go visit Kelly; Kelly is in Milan right now, so that isn't happening anytime soon.

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