Christmas Thief

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Onika's breath danced in the chilled air before her, she clung close to her fiancé trying to keep warm from the frigid December air.

Her heels clicked fast against the pavement as they hurried and made their way inside.

Immediately her cheeks were heated with warm air and her ears greeted with the blaring sound of music and random voices conversing. She suddenly felt hot feeling the need to peel off her thick winter coat.

"It's a lot of people here babe," she spoke lowly looking around as she came out of the garment.

"Thought you said it was a small party."

Rihmeek shrugged as he took off his coat as well.

Soon after they were met with a loud voice.

"Rihmeek!" The man they knew as Damon bellowed.

"So glad you could make it!" He flashed his white teeth before dapping him up.

"Onika I'm so glad to see you, it's been too long." He hugged her with a kiss to her cheek.

"Let me get those coats for you!" He took them up not even giving them a chance to respond yet.

He disappeared into another part of the house.

Onika looked around noticing various people all involved in conversation or lightly swaying in rhythm with the music. There were a plentiful amount of guest that showed up for the holiday party all dressed in their turtle necks and sweater tops, cocktail glasses and champagne flutes in hand.

She was always naturally turned off to the tight packed environment, but the house was spacious, there was enough room to not bump into somebody every few steps or so, and after all it was a Christmas party, nothing too crazy would be popping off anytime soon. She'd be able to make it through the evening.

"Yeah there's more people than I expected but we shouldn't be here too terribly long." Rihmeek spoke with a hand to the small of Onika's back.

Damon reappeared with that same bright smile, however this time he hardly acknowledged Onika's presence.

"Man it's so good to see you you're hardly around anymore. The boys are here too, some of us are down in the den catching up. You should join us." He nodded his head in the direction.

"Onika you'll be alright by yourself for a little bit?" Rihmeek looked down at her with a rub to her back.

She felt a twinge of abandonment in her stomach before forcing a nod and a smile to her face.

"Yeah I'll be fine, go ahead baby."

"Great, Onika there are drinks and food in the kitchen," Damon pointed. "And Megan is around here somewhere, she'll come find you, she knows you're here!" He spoke louder as him and Rahmeek grew further in distance from her. Soon enough they were out of site.

She sighed sullenly to herself looking around once again. Nobody looked familiar and of course Damon's wife Megan was nowhere to be found.

She decided on heading into the kitchen taking a glass of champagne for herself.

Onika eventually found herself on the couch of the living room people watching and humming along to the annoying Christmas tunes she knew all too well. Nobody seemed to pay her any mind, and in all honesty she was just okay going unnoticed. She secretly hoped Megan would never find her and Rihmeek would eventually appear so they could leave. She was a friend, but that woman was long winded and entirely too friendly, she'd be forced to greet and converse with every single person in that damn party. Onika was content with her current state.

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