My Sister's Best Friend

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Onika felt her phone buzz beside her notifying she'd received a text message. She groaned before stretching then throwing the covers off herself.

"Guess I'm up now." She mumbled.

Looking to her window there was no longer sunlight peaking through the blinds, she had napped well into the evening though she hadn't initially planned on it.

Her mother was out of town for the week visiting a sick family member back home; home being Trinidad. Her older sister Ming had left earlier to go do God knows what. Running the streets probably.

Onika was alone for the time being it seemed.

Only clad in an oversized t-shirt she saw no point in throwing anything else on. She got up deciding she'd find something to eat in the kitchen.

Onika froze as she reached the top of her steps, she could see the kitchen light was on and she had heard the back door close.

Fear rose in her chest as she gripped the banister railing slowly taking steps down as quietly as possible.

"Ming?" Onika called out hesitantly immediately regretting that decision upon the realization it might not be her.

She continued slowly down the steps stopping once she was half way.

"It's just me." Onika heard suddenly before the culprit came into view.

Beyoncé; Ming's best friend.

Onika sighed a breath of relief. Though she was happy she wouldn't be dying tonight she didn't understand Beyoncé being here when her sister wasn't home.

"Uhh hey... Ming isn't here, I don't know when she'll be back."

"I know, you didn't get my text?"

It dawned on Onika then she never checked her phone, the message must have been from Beyoncé.

"No I um actually didn't look at it, I didn't realize it was you texting me. You know where Ming is?" Onika asked awkwardly not really sure how to carry a conversation with the older girl.

Beyoncé and Ming had been best friends since diapers. Onika only ever knew bey as such so she typically steered clear when the duo were in action. She'd tell most she simply didn't have anything in common with her sister and her partner in crime but the truth was she had a ragging crush on the later.

Her attraction towards Bey really began to grow when she was fifteen and blossoming pubescently, Onika only being a measly twelve years old. She chalked the crush up to those new funny hormones all twelve year olds experience.

Except they never went away. Six years later and they only seemed to intensify as time went on, but Beyoncé only ever remained her big sister's inaccessible, alluring best friend. She was sure Beyoncé hardly even knew Onika existed, they'd maybe had all of three interactions ever in the past.

In fact right now was the longest conversation the two had ever engaged in.

"Yeah, Ming flew out to meet up with your mom in Trinidad actually."

Onika's eyes bulged.

"What!? Fuck she leave me here for?" Onika expressed visibly less than thrilled.

Beyoncé chuckled walking into the kitchen, Onika finishing her way down the steps following behind her.

"She said you got school Lil mama." Beyoncé spoke casually while pulling a bottle of water from the fridge before leaning against the counter facing Onika. "So I'm here to make sure things run smoothly." She finished before taking a long sip from the bottle of water.

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