Judge Panelist

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Beyoncé was excited for this opportunity. She had always wanted to be a judge for a show like this one, but of course her busy schedule never provided time to do so.

She would always remind her agent here and there to keep an eye out for an opportunity, but it still surprised her all the same when one came; well, one that fit her caliber of course. It seemed to come just at the right moment. She had just came off of tour, and was now simply spending time with her family. The twins were getting bigger and she was finally a little more comfortable leaving them with the nanny.

When she had been on tour she managed to find some balance between work and motherhood. Her kids were always near, not necessarily with her, but a phone call and two minute drive away at the very least. Her manager, and Tina as well always tried to encourage her to work on being away from them while she was working, but she refused. She was too worried, too protective. Of course it was extra, unnecessary stress she didn't need, but they were her children, she didn't care what it took to make sure they were well taken care of.

Once the tour was over, Jay started pulling her out of the house more. He took her to do fun, and exciting things.

Tina encouraged him to do it.

She was the only who noticed how parenthood was beginning to take a toll on the both of them. Most of the time they were working, and when not, they were on constant watch taking care of their children. They hardly had time for themselves anymore.

So when Tina was finally able to get them out of the house she knew it would do wonders for them; and that it did. Beyoncé was blossoming as the woman she almost lost once again, and Jay was reminded why he married her in the first place. Her confidence with herself, also reflected through her willingness to finally leave the kids more often.

She relaxed a little more, called to check up a little less, and found trust with the woman taking care of her children.

Beyoncé would remember to thank her mom for that small push. Because if it hadn't been for her, she'd likely be turning down this opportunity to stay at home and wait on her babies hand and foot.

"So are you excited to meet everyone?" Amanda asked.

Amanda is Beyoncé's manager, practically her second younger mother considering the way she could hound Beyoncé.

"Yes I'm excited." She lightly grinned while her makeup was touched up.

Today would be simple: meet the other judges, lightly touch down on exactly what their roll was as the judges besides just judging of course, sign the contracts, and get comfortable with one another before filming for 'Soul Search' begins the next week.

Yes they did already know what they were doing, they hadn't walked into a job blindly, but a rough-over and a little briefing to break the ice never hurts of course.

Soon enough the producer of the show entered Beyoncé's dressing room.

"Hello Ms. Amanda." He smiled nodding towards her in his casual accent before she greeted him back.

"Beyoncé, its great to have you here with us."

"Thank you Mr. Cowell." Beyoncé smiled back gently accepting his extended hand.

"Please call me Simon." He grinned modestly.

Beyoncé lightly chuckled, not for what he said but simply the irony of this whole encounter. This wasn't their fist meeting, they had a slight run in before.

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