High School

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High School, I actually remember being so nervous and excited for high school at some point.

My best friend Nicki and I had spent that whole summer coming into high school getting ready for our freshmen year. We'd picked out clothes to wear, new hairstyles to try, and jewlry to 'stunt on them other hoes with' as Nicki would say. We stayed at each others houses constantly and talked on the phone all night about how we thought high school would be; only if our parents hadn't let us spend the night and discuss it face to face of course.

We were literally inseparable. Nicki and I were together so often it really didn't seem like any coincidence our bodies started maturing together too. Slightly wider hips, rounder thighs, a little more junk in the trunk, and our breasts were just beyond budding as well. It was only right of us to go and buy our first pair of 'real' padded bra's at the mall together. We'd had some before, but it really meant something now because our boobs could look cute in them, and more importantly boys could look at them too. Even if just through a shirt they could definitely see they were there.

At least that was what Nicki said high school was supposed to be about for us; have as many boys as possible drooling over our bodies and then eventually find the best one to give it up to around junior year was the plan.

Nicki stuck to that plan and truthfully it wasn't very hard for her; her body was bangin' come junior year. She picked up a bit of weight that filled her out nicely. She had enough ass in her jeans to kill someone and breasts perky and ready to be used as comfy pillows. Meanwhile mine were still... budding it seemed. Nicki was soaring pubescently and socially, and I was falling behind all together.

She never ditched me though.

I guess that's why I never really minded it too much, because at the end of the day I still had my best friend. Nicki was becoming this force to be reckoned with more or less. Salutatorian, student council, student body president, and captain of the drill team, on top of all that she was cool as shit too. And even though my social skills were lacking she never failed to drag me along with her. So much I'd managed to become student council secretary, student body VP, and I'll never forget the day she almost died trying to force me into that damn drill team uniform, it was the one thing I wouldn't let her do. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention I'm valedictorian. That's the only thing I guess I was "beating" her in, and that was becuase of my lack of social skills and extra time at hands, our GPA's were only a few points apart. We both had the brains but Nicki was the popular one, and even though I was subjected to more social interactions and a little more attention than I would've liked, I was always grateful Nicki never left me behind.

When we'd met in the third grade she swore up and down we would stay best friends forever and she'd never let anything break us up. Of course we've had a few petty and sometimes more than serious fights, but so far she was true to her word. And that's gotten us here to senior year; still practically joined at the hip. However she still managed to keep the same energy and excitment she had for school, especially because senior year is "the year" as she likes to say. Me on the other hand, I'm over the bull shit and ready to get the year over with and graduate.

"Bey you're spending the night tonight so we can discuss this homecoming thing like I said." My best friend grabbed my attention as the bell rang.

I sighed with an eyeroll collecting my belongings and standing.

"Nicki can we not? Can't we just watch mean girls or something?"

"I'm glad you already surrendered to coming over, and no. This is priority. A must discuss." She stressed as we neared the athletic hall.

I always walked her to her drill team practice class thingy, or whatever it was they did during the day. I wasn't really sure becuase they practiced after school and I never cared enough to skip class and find out. I only cared about their performances. That's when I willingly came out of my shell to support Nicki.

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