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I see her almost everyday when I'm coming home from school.

But I never see her at school.

She lives in the house at the end of the street, The oldest one.

Not that our houses were all that much better, but hers looks as if even the lightest rain storm were to come through and tempt it, the house would be in complete shambles the following day.

The windows were boarded up behind what was left of the glass on them. What little remained of the eggshell paint was aged and still chipping away. The grass on the lawn was just as dead as any rodent that tried to eat anything in that godforsaken home. And if you took one wrong step I'm sure you're foot would go straight through the mildewed, wooden porch.

But it never actually seemed to bother her, at least from what I could tell.

Every day when I get home from school, she's sitting on that porch reading a book. I think It's always that same book too, but I'm too far to tell what it is.

Her hair is sandy blonde and curly, usually hanging wildly around her face, and her skin is a milky shade of caramel. It was flawless too from what I could tell.

She always sat on the right side of the porch in the shade, legs crossed, one arm tucked beneath the other reading her book. And that's all she ever did, read her book. Otherwise she wasn't seen anywhere else. Not at the local grocery store, or the park, or the roller rink, or school.

That had to be the oddest thing about her in my opinion. She doesn't look like she could be too much older than me, but I've never seen her at school. Not even when I tried to look for her out of pure curiosity.

I even tried asking about her once, and that didn't go over too well. See I'm still considered the new kid around here even though it's been some months since I moved, but I was obviously still the only one who didn't know a single thing about her. And I was definitely the only one who didn't know not to ask about her either.

When I mentioned the girl at the end of the street to the few friends I managed to make, they got silent. It was awkward and uncomfortable, like I had just told them my father was Satan or that I liked Justin Bieber or something like that.

All they could tell me was that she didn't go to our high school, or any other school in Houston for that matter. She moved here maybe a year ago, and only one other person lived with her, but they had never seen them.

I asked how they knew if they'd never seen him, and they simply said they heard him.

That right there was enough in itself to make me stop asking questions about her, but it didn't stop my curiosity. I still wanted to know who she was, maybe even a little more now...

A whole lot more actually, so much that I skipped school today to see what I could find out. I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but maybe I can at least learn her name?

I waited anxiously all morning, consistently checking the window at the front of my house to peer down the street in hopes of seeing her walking or something... anything. But of course I didn't.

When noon came I made phony trips back and forth to the mail box at least nine times before I sighed in defeat. The Texas heat was beginning to overrule my curiosity.

I sat slumped on the couch with a cold Pepsi in hand allowing the tv to keep my mind occupied for a while. It wasn't until two twenty that I remembered what I had even stayed home for in the first place.

I decided to go check the window once again.

This time I waited patiently starring at her house. I chewed on my lip in anticipation. At two twenty three on the dot my eyes nearly leapt out of my skull. The door opened, and there she was.

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