The Interview

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It had been a dreadfully long morning. More
So due to the fact that Onika had been waiting around all day for her interview. Usually she had busy shifts, chaotic in nature at her job as a waitress. She'd be in and out of the kitchen too many times to count, and before she knew it, it was noon.

But not today. Business was especially slow this Saturday morning. A healthy amount of customers still came and went, but every time she glanced down at her wrist it'd seem not even five minutes had passed by. Time couldn't go fast enough.

She attempted to busy herself to get her mind off of it and speed things up a bit, but that didn't seem to help much either. In fact it almost had an opposite effect causing things to slow down.

Eventually, as frustrated as she was, there was nothing much else for Onika to do but sit and wait. So when noon finally came, she wasted no time at all ripping off her smock and tearing out of that restaurant.

As the calculated person Onika was, she knew the drive to the interview would only take about fifteen minutes with a sprinkle of light traffic here and there. That would get her there well before twelve thirty, when her interview was. And just as she had predicted, she was correct arriving fifteen minutes before schedule.

She took a deep breath before entering the building. Upon steping through the tall sheer doors she easily felt out of place. Icy greys, hard blacks, and blinding whites lined the floors and walls of the lobby. It was rather colorless and, boring.

But she didn't mind it entirely. After all she was simply seeking a job as an assistant that would earn her better pay. If she cared so much about the color scheme, she would've chosen interior design as her field of study.

"Can I help you?" The lady behind the oddly centered desk in the lobby spoke up.

Onika cleared her throat before giving an awkward smile and approaching the counter.

"Um, yes I have an interview with Ms. Knowles at twelve thirty. I know I'm a little early and all but uh, yeah." She quickly held her tongue to stop from rambling. A bad habit she knew would often ruin a first impression.

"Early is just fine. After all Ms. Knowles' motto around here is early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable." She spoke typing some things into the computer without a glance upward.

Onika laxed letting a slight breath of relief go hearing that. It seemed she was already starting off on the right foot.

"You can go ahead and go up to her. Top floor, last office at the end of the hall her name is outside the door. Just make sure to knock." The lady smiled before returning to her computer screen.

Onika nodded with a meek "thank you." Before following her instructions.

The elevator ride up, she attempted to boost her confidence in the reflective door, the short walk down the hall she repeated small words of encouragement to herself over and over, but she'd be a liar if she said she didn't feel nervous at all.

She inhaled and released a deep breath before building up enough courage to ball her hand into a fist and knock on the door.

"Come in." She heard a voice answer almost immediately after.

This was it, the moment of truth. In one motion, she straightened her spine and opened the door stepping into the room.

There a light skinned woman sat at her desk with curly blonde hair. She wore reading glasses that she peered through with a mild glare. She was beautiful.

"Who are you?" Her eyes remained glued to the monitor.

And just that quick Onika faltered, any confidence she had just before completely diminishing. This woman sat tall in her seat, she seemed so sure of herself. She was intimidating. The sound of her almond shaped acrylic nails clicking against the keyboard even hassled Onika.

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