The Funeral (Slumber Party 2)

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Thunder roared ominously as the dark clouds billowed in the distance. The rainstorm would be coming in soon matching the dreary atmosphere of the funeral.

The death of grandfather Knowles was long anticipated, yet it was a shocker all at the same time. They had all thought he at least had a few more months left in him before he'd go. Now the town stood together matching in their sad blacks as his body was lowered into the ground.

"Giselle are you sure you don't have a few words to say?" Tina nudged her quietly as they watched.

She rolled her eyes.

"No Tina, if I say anything I'll just upset daddy. I was never close to him, he put his hands on grandmother, and I'm sure he was a fucking creep-"

"Beyoncé Giselle Knowles... Please be respectful right now." Tina whispered sharply.

She huffed quietly.

"All I'm saying is my body was a little mature for a 12 year old, his old senile ass knew that too. There was no reason for him to be that anxious about my shower time."

Tina decided not to say anything else, partially because she didn't want to make a scene, partially because her daughter was right.

Beyoncé continued to stand silently while her father spoke words of love about his father to the town, it was all bullshit of course. She zoned out as her eyes searched the body of people, and eventually they landed on a particular individual.

They made a promise towards each other at that slumber party. Everything would go back to normal, nothing they did would ever happen again: ever. And from that point on they'd make an honest effort to be friends.

But there Nicki stood... In that black dress that made her skin look delicious, her cleavage teasingly rose and fell as she breathed. And that dark red lipstick, Beyoncé lightly bit her bottom lip entranced by how plump Nicki's lips were.

"I'm going inside mother, I'll be dammed if this rain messes up my hair. If anyone asks you why I walked away, tell them the emotion was too much for me to handle." Beyoncé spoke lowly in Tina's ear.

Onika stood a ways away listening on as Mathew preached about what a good man grandfather Knowles was. She couldn't have cared any less, given she knew he wasn't at all a good man; no man that belonged to the Knowles or the Maraj's was a good man.

Her patience was beginning to ware thin. Her mother wouldn't shut up about needing to be ready to speak for her or her father one day. People were constantly pushing into her, and her suede heels had sunken into the dense soil a few times, Nicki was sure they were ruined.

Suddenly she felt her phone buzz in her clutch. She pulled it out considering there was nothing better to do, it's not like she was listening at all to Mathew anyways.

B🐝🖕🏽: Come inside, meet me in the first guest bathroom downstairs. Tell Mrs. Marj you're helping me cope emotionally.
B🐝🖕🏽: Don't take your time either.

Nicki lowered her phone to her side suddenly feeling a wave of butterflies in her stomach. She remembered what happened the last time they were in a bathroom together.

Looking up, she noticed the blonde no longer stood next to her mother, she must've already been inside.

If Nicki were being honest, the invitation inside frightened her some. No one had ever been inside the Knowles Manor except the Knowles themselves, and they didn't even live there. The Mansion was used almost exclusively for funerals of family members. Everyone entered through the back garden and the Knowles typically stayed for the weekend and returned to their usual residence the following week. There were plenty of horror stories floating around about this place to keep a child scared for life.

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