[Sunshine's Birthday ]

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AYO OUR FELLOW SPECIES no we are not talking about the homo sapiens we are taking about the Army species because we are not like others, we are different because we are Army's 😌😌😌 No offense to homo sapiens we are just stating the fact okay!! Welcome to another chapter and the most special chapter by far of this award book and that is our Sunshine's birthday chapter 🥳🥳🥳🥳

27 years ago today was the day the heaven's decided to send a angel on this earth !!! Today is one of those days that is really very close to every Army's heart. It's one of those days every Army is veryyyy grateful for.

Hobi is one of the kindest soul to walk on earth. He is one of the reasons why we still believe in humanity and love. Words are not enough to explain how much we love him and how much we are grateful for his existence 😭😭

Time really goes by so fast because just look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time really goes by so fast because just look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Now cry with us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is probably you guys right now

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This is probably you guys right now

Okay now stop crying we don't have all day we can continue our crying session later once we are done with this chapter!!!

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Okay now stop crying we don't have all day we can continue our crying session later once we are done with this chapter!!!

Okay so this chapter is a quiz chapter which will be completely based on our hobi!!! The level of difficulty of the questions basically is different for every Army so please for the love of yeontan don't start blaming yourself if you can't answer any question !!! Even if you get a few questions wrong OR even if you get the majority of them wrong it doesn't matter what matter is your love for hobi and the rest of our boys so don't you dare question your love for them okay!!!!

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