✍ Round 1 [ Jjk Judging ]

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Welcome to the very first round of this full course meal right here! 🤧🤧

Welcome to the very first round of this full course meal right here! 🤧🤧

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Judges please comment a "💜" next to your respective books this way we'll get to know that you have found your books to judge!

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Judges please comment a "💜" next to your respective books this way we'll get to know that you have found your books to judge!

Moon_Sugarlips07 your books to judge are....

"Madness" by Dreamingsuccess

"Senpai" by BangtanNaekkeo


jamshehehaa your books to judge are

"He's my next door" by Kookiess_07 a user


pxrknxm your books to judge are.....

"A new start" by taetaeficks

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