Chapter 6

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It's been an incredibly challenging period for him, relentlessly pursuing notorious criminals. The task isn't always straightforward, and it's beginning to take a toll on him. He decides it's time for a brief respite, as he's been pushing himself to his limits. Suddenly, he hears footsteps approaching his office.

Magnus: "Good day, sir?"

Y/n: "What brings you here, Magnus?"

Magnus: "Oh, nothing specific. I just wanted to express my support for your mission to capture the elusive Carmen Sandiego. After all, you're about to make the impossible possible."

Y/n: "I appreciate your kind words, Magnus. It truly means a lot. But you don't need to be here right now."

Magnus: "You're probably right. I'll leave you to it then."

Y/n: "Before you go, I can't help but wonder: where in the world could Carmen Sandiego be, and what might her next hiding spot be?"

Carmen Sandiego.

Player: "Are you certain about this, Carmen? I'm not detecting any information about VILE operatives in India from any of our regular sources."

Carmen: "They'll be here. I'm familiar with how Professor Maelstrom's twisted mind operates, and he wouldn't pass up an opportunity like this. Stealing the Magna Carta would be VILE's way of symbolizing that evil can triumph over law and order. At least that's what they tell themselves."

Player: "I think I understand what you're saying. Back in 1215, England was ruled by a man named King John. If he were alive today, he'd fit right in on VILE island with your former teachers. King John believed he could take anything he wanted just because he was in charge, and he constantly abused that power. The Archbishop of Canterbury stepped in and helped create a set of laws that gave citizens rights. Basic things like not being arrested without reason or having your horse taken away just because the king wanted it."

Carmen: "These combined laws were named the Magna Carta, Latin for 'the great Charter of the liberties'. It was a significant cause of democracy in England and a major influence on the American Constitution."

Player: "Speaking of democracy, India has more people than any other democracy in the world, which is where you're currently located."

Carmen: "And since I support democracy over tyranny, VILE won't get their mangy claws on any historic documents on my watch."

Carmen stands up from her seat.

Carmen: "I'll conduct one last perimeter check tonight to see if I can find any weak points VILE might exploit."


Y/n was walking all over to see if there could be any crimes lurking nearby. He see some criminals wearing mask and running away with cash full of money. He stopped them dead in their tracks.

Criminal1: Out of the way!

Y/n: Not a chance. That cash doesn't belongs to you. Drop em.

Criminal2: You have some sort of death wish to something. You looking to get bust open.

Y/n: Well let me tell you something, you're the one that is looking to be bust open. Perhaps your nose will do the trick.

Criminal1: Get him!

The criminal swung a steel pipe in his direction but he was quick enough ducked underneath and delivered a massive punch to his face, sending him into a wall and making his nose bleed.

Y/n: I warned you.

Criminal1: You're gonna pay for that!

Y/n: I figured that you would say that, considering that crime doesn't pay.

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