Chapter 2

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Y/n: Bloody hell, another obstruction in my path to apprehending Sandiego. Move along, laddy.

Captain Ivy, a young lady at the helm, responded in a mixture of French and patois, her voice carrying a hint of irritation.

Y/n: through earpiece Ja, mon frère, c'est moi, Y/n. Je t'ai besoin.

Ivy's brother, Zack, sneered from the shadows. Their accomplice on a motorbike brandished a weapon, firing erratically at Y/n's boat. Damage ensued, but Y/n remained unfazed.

Y/n: Excellent. I've got you both now, scoundrels.

With a flick of his wrist, Y/n launched his grappling hook towards a convenient anchor point. Leaping gracefully from the boat, he swung himself closer to the enemy vessel. Reaching out, he narrowly missed snatching hold of the edge. Reluctantly, he abandoned the chase for now. These villains wouldn't evade him forever. Instead, he focused on nabbing more nefarious individuals.

Suddenly, an AC-130 Helicopter descended upon the scene. Partner Magnus, a less experienced agent, arrived hot on Y/n's heels. Together, they boarded the helicopter, ascending to regroup at headquarters. Once aboard, Y/n sought counsel from his trusted ally, Julia Argent.

Y/n: Any fresh intel on Sandiego's plans, cherie? Something that could lead us to her next move?

Y/n: Have you've got anything?

Julia: Well, it seems that the supposed robbery that Carmen Sandiego has been doing has been solved. It turns out that she could be stealing from other thieves and returning them to where they came from.

Y/n: You could be on something or it could be that she is doing this to make it seems like she is the good guy here but I refuse to not look into some clues. I like how you are helping. Thank you, Jules. I will be seeing you soon.

He went back into his office so that he could have a nice fresh coffee. It could hello cool his mind so that he could focus some more. Now he has to figure out what Carmen Sandiego could be doing next. She certainly has something more important than going around and stealing things. He figured that she gave something next to do on her mind.

Carmen Sandiego.

It was a lengthy and exhausting night for Carmen Sandiego. Yet, despite the fatigue, she couldn't deny the exhilarating challenge posed by her adversary, Y/n. Nevertheless, thoughts of personal battles could wait; the immediate concern was preventing one of VILE's schemes from materializing. The location of the nefarious organization's latest plot remained uncertain – it could be anywhere, including the very scene unfolding before her eyes.

Inside a moving truck, Ivy, a member of Carmen's crew, questioned her leader.

Ivy: May I ask, why exactly does VILE resort to creating artificial food scarcities? What possible gain could they derive from causing widespread hunger?

Carmen: To manipulate public panic and coerce desperate populations into purchasing VILE's inflated priced counterfeit rice, without a second thought. Had Dr. Bellum expected me to idly watch while innocent lives hung in the balance due to VILE's greed...she would be sorely disappointed.

As the truck sped along, Carmen devised a plan to intercept it and apprehend Tigress, a high-ranking VILE operative. With stealth and precision, she activated her glider and took flight above the vehicle. Soon enough, she encountered Tigress atop the truck bed.

Tigress: Ah, Carmen Sandiego, always a pleasure. But I see you still lack the ability to anticipate my moves.

Carmen: My focus lies elsewhere these days, Tigress. But rest assured, I'll never abandon the fight against VILE. Let's settle this matter now. Long time no see, Tigress. Do you recall our last encounter in Morocco? The pit, wasn't it? I seem to remember breaking a precious pair of glasses of yours.

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