Chapter 3

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As Y/n approached his sleek black sedan, the tranquility of the night was suddenly disturbed by a faint rustling sound emanating from behind. Turning to confront the source, he addressed Julia with a hint of irritation in his voice.

Y/n: (Jamaican-French accent) Julia, my dear, there seems to be something on your mind. Feel free to share whatever it is that troubles you.

Julia hesitated for a moment before responding, her tone gentle yet firm.

Julia: Mon cher Y/n, perhaps it's best if you take a moment to rest. Your dedication to justice is admirable, but you cannot pour from an empty vessel.

Y/n considered her words, acknowledging the wisdom in her advice. However, his thoughts remained focused on the task at hand.

Y/n: I appreciate your concern, but there's a crime to solve. I must ensure that the law prevails.

Julia: (smiling softly) You always put others before yourself, Y/n. Sometimes, it's important to allow others to shoulder the burden. Trust me, the police are capable of handling this situation.

Y/n: (slightly exasperated) Julia, I understand your perspective, but this is not a matter of trust. It's simply a matter of duty.

Julia: Then please, call me Julia.

Y/n: Very well, Julia. You may depart now.

Before she could leave, Y/n leaned forward and placed a tender kiss on her temple. "Until next time, my friend."

With a nod, she retreated, allowing Y/n to resume his investigation. Just as he was about to climb into his car, however, an unfamiliar sensation enveloped him. A strange odor wafted through the air, and before he knew it, he collapsed onto the cold pavement, succumbing to the effects of an unknown substance. Unconsciousness claimed him, leaving him vulnerable to the elements and the mysteries that lurked in the shadows.

Carmen Sandiego.

Carmen was in a diver suite swimming in a really strange place. She swam to where there was a pirate ship. She entered the strange little irate ship. She searched all over the place. She continued her swimming.

Carmen: I'm swimming through the past.

Player: Any sign of treasure?

Carmen: Tons but not the mind that would interest VILE.

She noticed a treasure chest.

Carmen: Scratch that.

She closes in on the treasure and started to break the lock. Once she got it opened, she found all sorts of stuff that isn't worth stealing. She suddenly found something really shiny. She wiped all the dust off of it and turns out that it was coin.

Carmen: Player, see what you could learn.

She started to take some phot of the coin. While she was doin there, she heard some noises.

Player: Whoa, what am I hearing?

Carmen looked all over to see if she could fin what was making that noise. There was a crack from below which made her lose her grip of the coin. She it was her old comrade, El Topo.

Carmen: You.

El Topo: You?

He noticed the coin in her hand. He pressed something on his suite and pushes her back and grabbed the coin. He swam away.

Player: Who was that?

Carmen: El Topo. If the mole is down below. He pal, that goat is sure to be above.

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