Part 21

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Y/n knocked on the door before entering, displaying a respectful and professional demeanor.

Y/n: Chief, you wanted to see me?

Chief: Indeed, I thought you might want to get acquainted with ACME's newest recruit. Or should I say, reacquainted.

To Y/n's surprise, it was Julia who stood before them.

Julia: Agent L/n.

Y/n couldn't help but gasp in astonishment. Miss Argent, or rather, Julia, was standing right in front of them.

Y/n: Julia! Agent Argent!

They shared a moment of excitement, exchanging a fist bump to signify their shared history and camaraderie.

Y/n: But what about your academic career?

Julia: Recent events have inspired a change of heart. I felt compelled to join ACME once again.

Y/n: So, does this mean we're one big happy family now? No longer chasing after Carmen Sandiego?

Julia's expression turned slightly somber.

Julia: I would have to resign all over again if that were the case.

Y/n's enthusiasm grew as they realized the opportunity to work alongside Julia in pursuing real criminals.

Y/n: Then I cannot wait to finally join forces with you and tackle actual criminal cases.

The Chief interjected, redirecting their focus.

Chief: I have other duties in mind for Agent Argent.

The mention of different responsibilities intrigued Y/n, leaving them curious about the new challenges that awaited Julia in her role at ACME.

A file was placed directly on the table, catching Y/n's attention.

Chief: These are the closed case files regarding a certain individual, Dexter Wolfe.

Julia: I must admit, the name doesn't ring a bell.

Chief: He was a significant figure in ACME's ancient history. However, I believe this research project will be of particular interest to you.

As the file was opened, it revealed a surprising connection to none other than Carmen Sandiego, piquing Julia's curiosity and adding an intriguing twist to the story.

Carmen found herself captured by the clutches of VILE, their sinister plans unfolding before her.

Doctor Saira Bellum: Once I've completed my modifications, what name shall we give her? Blacksheep, perhaps?

Maelstrom: No, we shall still call her Carmen Sandiego.

Carmen fought against her restraints, realizing the gravity of the situation. They intended to tarnish her name and force her into a new chapter, carrying out their wicked deeds.

Bellum tried to reassure Carmen, her voice dripping with malicious intent.

Bellum: Don't worry, my dear. This will be painless.

With a swift motion, Bellum placed a device over Carmen's eyes. The device hummed to life, gears spinning ominously, signaling the beginning of Carmen's transformation.

Y/n and the Chief attentively monitored the surveillance cameras, their focus on unraveling the complex web of Carmen Sandiego's true intentions.

Man 1: Graham was spotted in Vienna moments ago, near a prominent museum.

The Chief couldn't help but express his frustration, acknowledging the enigmatic nature of Graham's involvement.

Chief: I hate to admit it, but he remains the missing piece of this puzzle. If Carmen is truly on the side of justice, what connection does she have to Calloway?

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