Chapter 9

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Carmen was now in town full of people sitting alone.

Player:(communicator) Red, are you in position?

Carmen: What?

Player:(communicator) We have a VILE operative on the move. Are you in position?

Carmen: Prague's old Town Square, by the clock tower.

She saw a man which appears to be Le Chèvre.

Carmen: Le Chèvre. I'm on him.

She got up and out her hood over her head.

Player(communicator): Remember, target the buyer, not goat boy. And hit him after the handoff. We don't want VILE knowing you're-

Carmen: Onto them before we can find out what they're peddling? Whose plan was this again?

Player(communicator): Yours. Sorry. Just checking the boxes. Get it? Check? Cause you're in-

Carmen: The Czech Republic. Yes, Player, I get it.

Player(communicator): Red drone is on the look out.  Potential buyer spotted, headed for Goat boy. Beefy guy in bow tie, northeast side.

He was able to see Le Chèvre hand him a bag.

Player(communicator): And we have a handoff. Package is in play.

As Carmen was walking, she began to get lost as she was doing so.

Player(communicator): Red, curbside.

As she was going to grab the bag, she saw someone who he thought was to be Shadowsan. Now distracted, she accidental bumped into the man making the jewels fall out. The man began picking up quickly.

Carmen: I am so sorry. Uh, let me help.

She picked up one and he just snatched out of her hand. He then got back into the car.

Player(communicator) So what we get?

Carmen: A rock. Though, we're lucky we got anything.

Player: What do you mean?

Carmen: I got sloppy.(sighs) I'm off my game.

Player: You have been distracted lately. You probably just jumped back into action a little too soon. It's only been a week since Shadowsan vanished into the night.

Carmen: Taking any hope I had of learning more about my past along with him.

Next scene.

Y/n was just laying in his hospital bed. Julia then came right by his side.

Julia: Agent L/n, It's me. Julia. Agent Argent. How are you feeling today? I brought your favorite mints. There she is, La Femme Rouge! Please wake up, Agent L/n. We need you. And we need you to tell us that she did not do this to you.

It was long before Y/n woke up.

Y/n: La Femme Rouge!

Chief: Guess again.

Y/n: What?

Chief: Welcome back, Agent L/n.

Y/n: Chief. Ugh, my head feels terrible. It feels like I fell off a cliff followed by getting stampeded by a pack of wild boars.(groans) Shocinf their snouts into the fold of my brain, seagoing for truffles.

Chief: You recognized me. That's a good sign. What else do you remember?

Y/n: That I was brushing my teeth, then... I woke up in a strange area. I was beaten and I could barely even remember anything but I know for sure that she was there.

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