Boys Don't Play With Dolls.

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I sighed, stepping out of my shoes and throwing my sweater on my bed, "Louis, I'm not watching a movie, it's almost 12." I slipped on my comfy sweat pants and unzipped my dress, holding it over my chest before slipping a shirt on over and letting the dress fall to the floor, "Plus, I'm tired, I ate a lot of food. I could sleep for ages." I groaned, pulling my blankets back and curling up with a pillow, "We can watch a movie with the twins tomorrow."

Louis mumbled something before jumping on my bed, on top of me. "Come on, Bunny, one movie?" He pulled the blankets away from me and gave me the puppy dog eyes, "I'll even be your cuddle buddy if you fall asleep." He grinned lazily down at me.

I ran my hand through my hair, knotting my fingers in my curls, "Fine, but you better pick a good movie."He jumped up, running out of my room to find a movie. Once he left the room  I grunted and cuddle back into my blankets, what harm is a little shut eye going to do? "Blast! Get off me you bloody minger!" I slapped Louis away, who had jumped on top of me, yet again.

He sat up, one knee on each side of my body. "Did you just call me a minger? I can't believe you Bunny, I thought you loved me!" He pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.

I pushed him off me, sitting up in the process, "I do, but you scared the living day lights out of me. You could have killed me you know." I rolled my eyes at his sly smirk, "What movie did you pick?"

Louis held up a DVD Case wiggling it in my face, "An American film, um, ever heard of Captain America?"

I jumped up and down from excitement, "My god, I forgot I had that movie! Well, play it, I can't miss another minute of that fit god!"

Louis put the DVD in the player, turning around and glaring at me, "And I'm not fit, I saw you checking me out earlier, Bunny." He started to flex his muscles again, I let my eyes wonder anywhere but him, "No need to be shy, you can check out your boyfriend, don't be so daft." He crawled slowly toward me on my bed, biting his lip.

I barked out laughter, "Oh my god, Lou, are you trying to be sexy?" I clapped my hand over my heart and laughed again.

He had me backed up against my headboard, "Is it not working?" He asked, slowly licking his bottom lip, my eyes flickered down toward his lips, "I saw that Bunny. Do it, you know you want to kiss me."

I bit my lower lip, inching a little closer to him, his eyes fluttering shut, as my nose brushed against his I let out a breath, "In your dreams Tommo." I pushed him aside as the opening credits were beginning to play.

He groaned, crossing his arms over his chest, "If only you knew."

I laughed at him, patting his leg before returning my focus to the movie, "Don't be a sour pants." He mumbled a few colorful words before giving up and wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him, I sighed happily, resting my head on his chest, "See, I knew you couldn't stay mad at me long,"

He chuckled, "Shush and watch the movie, I've never seen it." I did as told, biting my tongue, I so badly wanted to ask how in the world he had never seen it, then again, it was an American film. So, I lay their happily wrapped in my boyfriends arm and watching a kick ass movie.

"It's time to get up in the morning." I groaned, rolling over and stuffing my face into my pillow, "Got MacDonald's breakfast for you," I pulled the other pillow over my head along with my blankets, when had I fallen asleep last night? "Drove two miles just to get it, so you better get up and eat it. You don't want to be a selfish lazy girl." Louis continued singing, as much as I wanted to get up and hug him for getting me food, I loved it when he sang. "SO WE GOTTA GET UP!!!!" He jumped on top of my bed, landing on me, a small smile found it's way to my face, "It's timmmmeee to get upppp!"

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