Day 3 pt. 2

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Ellie walked towards the entrance while I gathered my stuff. Jesse walked up to me.

"Soo... you and Ellie?" He smirked.
I put my hand on Jesse's back.
"Oh Jesse, you don't know the half of it." I said playfully.
"Oh really? What's the half of it then?" He crossed his arms with a smirk.
"How long did Ellie tell you she's known me?" I took my hand off of Jesse's back.
"Uhh about 9 years."
"That's about how long."
Jesse's eyes widened.
"God damn that's a long time."
"Yes. Yes it is."
We laughed for a few seconds.
"Logan!" Ellie called my name so I walked up to her. Jesse followed.
"Hey, what's up?"
"You ready to go?"
Jesse then cut us off.
"I'm going with you."
I looked at him.
"No, you have to stay here with Dina."
"She's gonna be fine. What if you guys get into trouble?"
"I'm going with you."
I looked at him for a sec before sighing.
"Alright, go get ready."
Jesse nodded and walked away.

I leaned on the door, and Ellie leaned her head on my arm.

"We stick together, okay? No matter what." Ellie spoke in a soft tone.
"I'm not leaving you again, El. No matter what."
I responded as Jesse jogged back up to us.

"Ready?" I looked at him and then Ellie.
"Yeah." They said in unison.

Dina walked to us as we were taking the chair off the door.

"Where are you guys going?" She looked worried.
"Aquarium." I told her since no one else spoke.
"Oh." She looked scared.
"Are you going to be okay on your own?" I asked Dina with a worried face.
"Uhm... yeah. Yeah i'll be fine."
"You're sure?" I asked trying to make sure but Ellie cut me off.
"Logan, we have to go."
I looked at Ellie and nodded.
"Okay, don't do anything stupid while we are gone." I said to Dina as Jesse and I opened the door.
I got a small chuckle from Dina which was surprising.

We went outside and it was pouring. Dina had locked the door behind us and we started walking to the aquarium, using the map.

"When is it not raining in this fucking city?" I said as we were climbing a ledge, seeing the aquarium across the water, but there were WLF in the way.

We heard some chatter, saying that on the pier there was an intruder. It had to be Tommy.

"We have to go get Tommy." Jesse said.
"What about Abby?" Ellie protested his idea.
"We go get Tommy first."
"She could be gone by then."
"What if you go to Tommy-" I looked at Jesse.
"And we go to Abby." I looked at Ellie.
"Fine. Don't get yourself killed." Jesse said, as Ellie and I walked into what looked to be an old mall.
"Remember the mall?" I smiled at Ellie.
"How could I forget?" She smiled back at me but our moment was cut off by the chatter of WLF. We ran up stairs to the second floor and hid in a store behind bookshelves.

I looked at Ellie.
"No matter what."
She nodded and we got out from cover and killed all the WLF we saw in the mall.

"Hey look." Ellie pointed to a boat that was sitting on the river that cut through the mall.
"Let's go." I touched her arm and we ran to the boat, getting on it.

I turned the engine on and we started going down the rapids.

We ended up in what looked like a cafe, it was gated off so we had to look for a way to open the gate. All of the city was just filled with rapids and rivers so we could basically go anywhere with the boat.

"Alright stay in the boat, I'm gonna walk around and see how to gate this gate open." I told Ellie as I began to stand.
"Okay, be careful."
I nodded as she gave me a kiss on the forehead.

I got out the boat and onto the cafe floor. All of the tables and chairs were upside down or sideways. As I made it to the back rooms there was a Shambler.
"I hate these fuckers."

After killing it with a few shots in the head, I was able to climb to the indoor balcony that overlooked the gate.

"Alright, I'm gonna pull the gate up so get ready!" I shouted down to Ellie who nodded at me.

Pulling down the gate let her get through, and I jammed the gate from the top so I could get through as well.

After jumping down in the water I got back in the boat.

"You okay?" Ellie asked looking to see if I was hurt.
"Yeah, just a dumb Shambler."

We kept driving and made it to the ocean. The aquarium was just across the water but there was a crazy storm so we had to go slowly.

"Jesus christ the waters crazy here." I said as I grabbed onto Ellie's hand to keep her from falling.
"Yeah, it's the worst."

It was raining and the waves were going crazy.

As we were half way there the boy got turned upside down. I lost my grip on Ellie and got pushed back towards where we started.

"Ellie?!" I shouted for her but she didn't hear me.
"Fuck it." I dived back into the water and swam towards the aquarium.

It took me a good twenty minutes, leaving me exhausted as I made it, but I didn't have time to rest.

"Ellie?!" I shouted as I walked in.

The place was massive and there was a huge whale statue hanging from the ceiling.
"Ellie?!!" Still no response.
I began walking towards what looked to be the cafeteria. There were duffel bags and blood everywhere, so I pulled out my pistol, walking quietly.

I pushed the door open to a room that had blood spilling out from under it.

Then I saw Ellie.

"Ellie, you're okay." I let out a sigh of relief.

She didn't respond but just stared at the girl Mel. Blood leaked out of her neck. And there was the blonde guy, Owen. He was dead too. But no Abby.

Mel's belly had a lump, she was pregnant.

"Oh shit." I said under my breath as Ellie's hands started to shake and she started panicking.

"It's okay, El. I'm here." I put my hands on her face as she started to cry.

I heard a bang and Jesse and Tommy walked in.
They both looked at me.

"The girl was pregnant." I said to them and they were visibly shocked.

I turned back to Ellie and pulled her into a hug, and she returned with a tight squeeze. I grabbed her arm and we all walked out of the aquarium, and back to downtown.

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