chapter four

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billie's pov

"yeah. so i've gotta go tomorrow." i say, finishing up my explanation to kobe about what had just happened.

"damn. i'm sorry bil." he says with a frown as he keeps me in the hug we're sharing.

"it's whatever. let's go out, we got people to deliver to." i say, wiping my tears and standing up strong.

"i can go by myself if you wanna stay here and relax for a while." he offers.

"nah, i'm all good." i quickly say, shutting his proposal down.

i open up snapchat and login to our plug account and post a quick photo of two big bags of weed, bongs, edibles, grinders, some xans, couple bottles of hennessy, and a whole lot of puff bars to our story with the caption, "doing deliveries all night, hmu" and post it. within five minutes multiple people have put in their addresses so we stuff the shit into our backpacks and hit the road.

"we finna be paid tonight!" kobe says excitedly as i plug in the first address into the GPS in kobe's car.

"for real." i say with a chuckle and a smirk.

the first address is pretty close so we arrive there within about seven minutes. kobe kills the headlights before pulling into the driveway. i whip out my phone and text the dude, letting him know that we're here.

literally right after the text is sent, he opens the door and jogs to the car. he looks like he's already high as shit.

"alright, gimme two xans," he starts, "and two pre rolls."

easy sixty bucks. ten dollars per xan. twenty per pre roll.

"shit, throw in two puffbars too." he adds to his order.

after he pays his grand total of seventy five dollars, we hand him a bag with all of his stuff inside of it before we roll out of the drive way and cruise to the next house.

two hours later, and were sitting on four hundred dollars cash.

now here we are, at our second to last order.

"sheesh..." i say as we roll into a gated community and into the driveway of one of the nicest houses i've ever seen.

"man, these damn rich white kids." kobe says which makes me laugh.

i text them, but no response. two more minutes go by and still, no one's there.

"yo, where's this kid at?" kobe asks as we wait impatiently.

"shit, your guess is as good as mine." i say with a sigh as i text their number for the third time.

finally someone comes out of the door and to the car. but when i see who it is, my heart about stops.

"jada? you buying drugs now? i though you were a good girl." i tease as i shake my head in disbelief.

"cut the shit. get out of the car." she demands, which just makes kobe and i both start dying of laughter.

"it's not funny!! now get the hell out of the goddamn car!!" she says, frustrated with our immaturity.

"alright girl i'm coming," i say as i try to stop laughing while unfastening the seatbelt and walking around the car to stand infront of her.

"what's going on princess-"

"shut. up." she says, her hand slapping me across the face. hard.

"damnnnn!!!" kobe says from the car as he covers his mouth in shock.

"shut up!" jada and i both say in unison to kobe before we start staring eachother down.

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