chapten ten

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billie's pov

"what store next?" jada asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"uhhh you choose" i tell her again for the 100th time.

today i wanted to take jada to the mall to stun on a bitch. not even gonna lie. the entire reason why were here today is because jada acted like just cause my apartment is in a bad area that i have no money. will i regret this later? most definitely. but right now it's all about proving her wrong.

"here, let's go in here." i grin as i see one of my favorite stores, foot locker. i swear i could drop my whole bank account on this store.

"woahhh look at these!" jada says while she holds up a pair of fire red 4's. i love those shoes sooo much.

"those are fire." i awe at the shoes.

"imma get these" i tell her while holding onto some pine greens in my size. she adds in an "ooh cool" before doing some more browsing.

even though it was my idea to come in here, jada is taking foreverrrrrr. i'm so bored. i love this store, but for me, i could quickly look at one thing for like 2 seconds and be into the next item. it took me like 4 minutes total to look at all of the shoes on display. i hate sitting there and examining every little thing about everything cause it just takes too damn long.

right now i feel like martin on that one one episode where him and gina go to the shoe store and they're there for like six hours or something like that and he's just slowly going crazy, doing stupid shit to keep himself entertained. i just know that any moment, jada is gonna ask to see every shoe in the store in a taupe color, and then when the shoes are brought out she's gonna say, "did i say taupe? i meant brown!"

"ok, i'm gonna go check out and then we can go." jada smiles as she walks over to the register with a few pairs of jordans. instantly i jump up and follow her, taking out my wallet and getting ready to see the total. the total racks up to $365 and some change which is reasonable since she got three pairs or shoes.

"here you go." i smile at the cashier as i take out wads of money and give her $400. every single person in the room stopped and looked at me and gave me dirty looks, but i just ignore them. i'm used to that shit by now.

"billie what the hell are you doing?!" jada asks with her eyebrows raised.

"paying? this shit aint free." i laugh.

"where did you even get that much money?" she questions.

"bro can you fucking stop acting like i'm in poverty? worry about yours and i'll worry about mine." i scoff before taking my change that the cashier handed me and walking out with my bagged shoe box. since jada bought more shoes than me it took a little longer for her to get her bags all together so i just waited for her outside of the store.

"billie!" jada calls out to me from behind.

"hm?" i hum in response.

"what was that about?" she chuckles as we start walking again.

"uh what was what about?" i play dumb.

"all of that back there. you didn't have to pay for my shoes, i brought spending money." she frowns.

"yeah i know but i wanted to. and i got money so don't worry about it." i shrug.

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