chapter twenty seven

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jada's pov

today's been a little weird. first, billies and i went to her mom's gravesite. which to be honest i'm surprised that billie even invited me. that being said, i just make sure to really be there for her today since i know it hard it is for her.

we went to her grave and just sat for a little while. billie introduced me as her girlfriend which was cute, and she told her how her mom always said she couldn't wait till the day that she saw her daughter in love. it pains me how she can't see that, at least not in the flesh.

i know it hurts billies, too. more than me obviously. of course it does, how wouldn't this hurt?

she also cried which was weird for me to see because i've only ever seen her shed a tear or two maybe like once since i've known her. i'm glad she's being more open and vulnerable with me though.

while we sat, billie spent a good hour and a half just telling me all about her mom. where she was from, her favorite songs and musicians, her favorite places, favorite foods, favorite color, what she did for fun, where she had worked in her lifetime, etc. and on top of that she told me a wide variety of stories that i was of course eager to here.

more than anything i wish that i had met her. billie's never said i single bad thing about her, and i'm convinced that she was really "one of the best souls to walk this earth" , as billie describes her. i think we would've gotten along really well and billie said the same thing.

anyways, now billie and i are back at her apartment just watching tv on the couch. then her phones vibrates, a message on instagram taking up her screen. quickly she grabs her phone and unlocks it before i see anything.

okay ....

"who is it?" i ask, looking over at her.

"i have something to tell you." she says seriously, locking her phone and looking at me.

"i'm listening.." i say hesitantly.

"i decided to dm finneas." she exhales.

"oh my god! what'd he say!? what'd you say!?" i ask excitedly. i know she's been debating on this for awhile now and im glad that she finally went for it. i know how much her brother means to her deep down.

"he said he's proud of me because of my music and stuff and told me that he's been making music and stuff too. he gave me his address, he said we should go out to have dinner with him and his girlfriend sometime." she says calmly.

"that's great!" i hug her.

"i'm so happy for you bil." i smile.

"yeah, me too." she says, pecking my lips quickly.

"i just hope it all works out." she exhales.

"i'm sure it will. don't even worry about it." i reassure her.

"oh shit, i gotta go!" billie says as she looks
down at the time on her lock screen.

"i completely forgot that i have a photo shoot today. just stay here, okay? i'll be back in a few hours. bye, love you!" she says while slipping on her shoes and then darting out the front door.

i swear she's so forgetful. it's no big deal though, i'm just glad she's actually doing her job and the things she's supposed to be doing. cambridge was.. rough.

speaking of which, she hasn't even unpacked her clothes yet so i'm just gonna do it for her cause if i don't do it now she'll probably never do it to be honest.

while taking things out of her suitcase one by one, i can't help but to think how good things have been for us lately. we've been communicating, she's been more honest, i've been less controlling, and things have just been good. for once, everything's been calm.

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