chapter twenty five

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jada's pov

today is the day the both of us finally got back home to california and we're both so happy. traveling's been so great and i'm so thankful, but we're glad to be home. billie's been weird though, and i had another talk with her about it once we got back to LA.

i told her how she's been distant and i suggested that since i'm gonna be finishing school and she's gonna be doing a lot more work for her label now that we should maybe tone it down a little bit with our relationship. we both still agreed that we love each other and that we won't be with other people, but we want time away from each other if that makes sense.

don't worry we're still doing good i think. we once again made up since our latest fight from the night billie was crying in the bathroom. tbh billie is just the kind of person to randomly dip and hate everyone for a little bit, so personally i don't think that her being distant and acting weird recently is anything too alarming. she probably has just been super overwhelmed recently and needs some time alone, too.

i look down to see my phone ringing. speak of the devil.

"hey bil what's up?" i speak into the phone.

"jadaaaa!!!!" she drags out.

"did you know," she starts. "that i love you? but we can't date." she pouts.

"huh? why're you calling me to tell me this?" i chuckle awkwardly. what am i even supposed to say..?

"i'm.. i dunno. but we CANT date." she yells into the phone.

"oh my god," i shake my head when i realize that's happening.

"are you drunk right now?" i ask her.

"yes... just a lot. i mean- no! alcohol is a sin!" she preaches into the phone.

"bye, billie." i sigh.

"noo!! no! i miss you, don't hang up!" she begs.

"first of all we last saw each other this morning. second of all billie it's two o'clock in the afternoon and you're drunk off your ass. go find something to do with your time besides substance abuse." i hang up the phone.

billie then sends me text after text, talking about how she's never felt like this with anyone else before, etc etc. she then said she did something "really bad" in cambridge and im kinda getting scared. i told her to call me later when she's not drunk so we could talk and i left it at that.

so now i'm just sitting in the living room, playing minecraft with kace as my mom comes back home from work.

"so Jada, how was the touring with your little friend go?" my mom asks me. truth is, my mom doesn't know that billie and i have a little something going on. but she doesn't need to know right now, right? billie and i aren't even actually officially dating partially because i'm so scared of billie just playing and destroying my heart. but that's a conversation for another day.

"it was good." i tell her plainly.

"yeah? what'd y'all do?" she asks.

mom, you do not wanna know.

"just hung out. did some sight seeing." i say. i mean, we did that too.

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