Chapter 8.2

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Hermione woke up on Wednesday morning feeling restless. It was still dark outside, but she could not force herself back to sleep. Her whole day yesterday, after dropping James off at King's Cross and after going for tea with Rose, was spent working well into the night with her research. After nearly a month of searching and pouring over ancient Greek texts, it seemed like Hermione was finally onto something.

Yesterday afternoon she came across a Canadian news article about a recent break-in at the Royal Ontario Museum. Nothing seemed to have been taken, but reading the article did peak her curiosity on the current exhibits of the museum. Flexing her connections as researcher and historian, it didn't take very long for Hermione to get a full listing of the gallery items currently residing in the ROM. Reading over the list of items, Hermione's brain tried to look for something that stood out. That was when she came across an item listed as "Ningishzida staff" under the Mesopotamia exhibit. It was found in the ancient city of Lagash in present day Iraq on an excavation 23 years ago. The staff was old and the only one of its kind ever found. What caught Hermione's interest, however, was the physical description of the staff. It was described to be a single column with two serpents intertwined. The top of the column erupted into swan wings. Hermione flipped through her Greek texts until she was at a picture of Hermes. The messenger god was depicted in his usual form, wearing winged sandals, a winged cap, and on his right hand was a staff described exactly like she had just read. Hermes' caduceus. Hermione made a note to look further into the Ningishzida staff and her mind was already planning a trip to Canada to view it in person. 

A light tapping on the kitchen window caught Hermione's attention. She stood and walked across the room, opening the latch of the window letting a small barn owl inside with a letter tied to its leg. It wasn't Athena, and it was far too soon for James to send her a letter anyway so she untied the letter cautiously. The owl nipped at her finger for a treat and hooted. She grabbed a biscuit and gave it to the animal. To her surprise, the owl stayed on her kitchen counter waiting for a reply.

Hermione carefully opened the envelope and gently pried the piece of parchment from inside. Unfolding it, she saw handwriting which she had not glimpsed since she was in school.

"Dearest Hermione,

I regret to be writing to you under these circumstances, but I cannot, in good conscience, avoid telling you what has transpired at Hogwarts. I do not know any other way to say this but to simply say it outright.

James has met Harry.

Unbeknownst to me, Harry was offered the position of Defence Against the Dark Arts professor by Albus due to Sirius' early retirement, and he has accepted. It was a last minute decision with Mr. Potter only accepting the role the day before school began.

If I had known... I would not have sent James an acceptance letter to Hogwarts. Perhaps I would have recommended him to Madame Maxime for Beauxbatons instead. Regardless of the ifs, this is what has happened.

I am truly sorry, Hermione. I understood your decision to leave eleven years ago, and I will stand by whatever decision you make now. If you feel it necessary to pull James out of Hogwarts, please let me know as soon as possible so we can have his withdrawal processed. The owl will wait for your reply.

If, however, you choose to let him stay, then please know that your secret is still safe with me. You were one of my most cherished students, Hermione. And James... watching him grow up through those photographs you sent over the years has carved a special place in my heart for the young man. You two are important to me, so please know that despite whatever happens, I will stand by you.

Your friend,


Hermione didn't know how long she stood by her kitchen window with the letter in her hand, her mind blank except for one echo.

James had met Harry.

James knew Harry.

Harry knew James.







The letter dropped from Hermione's hand and a choked sob escaped her body. Tears stung her eyes and she blinked rapidly to keep them at bay.

Her worst fear had been realized and she had no idea how to proceed.

Pulling James out of Hogwarts was out of the question. Knowing her son, she knew that he would have fallen in love with the castle already. She wouldn't be surprised if he had already made friends. James belonged at Hogwarts and there was no way she would break his heart like that.

She could pretend that she didn't know Harry was at Hogwarts. She could make McGonagall's letter disappear and live in ignorance that her son was in constant interaction with his father, though unbeknownst to him. And when Professor Potter was mentioned in letters, because she knew James would write to her about his classes, she could live in denial and pretend that it's a different Potter. Hermione immediately shook her head and let those thoughts leave her brain. She wouldn't lie to her son.

That left her with one option.

She had to tell James.

And in turn, she had to tell Harry.

With a shaking hand, Hermione opened a drawer on the counter and fetched a piece of paper and a pen. She hurriedly scribbled a note and tied it to the owl's leg before all bravery left her. The owl hooted once before taking off through the open window. For a minute Hermione let herself watch the owl fly away until it disappeared into the east towards the rising sun.

As the owl flew away, Hermione sank to the kitchen floor and buried her head into her hands.

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