Chapter 12.7

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The pen was scratching against the paper as she wrote furiously on its surface. Elegant cursive in black ink filled the page with words bringing the sense of urgency.

"Dear Professor McGonagall,

I regret to be writing to you about this but you're one of the few contacts I have in the wizarding world and I trust you with my life. I think I've uncovered something disturbing about the man I have been working for on my latest project..."

Hermione bit her lip furiously as she tried to summarize what she had found out about Demetre Demos. The man had always been mysterious. She had only met him once before she was commissioned to do the work. She found that odd but thought that it was her reputation which earned her the work. That was the last time Hermione had seen him since and his preferred means of communication was email which suited Hermione just fine.

But two weeks ago whilst she visited Athens for a few days to peruse its vast libraries, Mr. Demos invited Hermione for a lunch meeting. After all, she had been working tirelessly on the museum's project. They agreed to meet at his office in the museum (so Mr. Demos could also give her a personal tour) and that was when Hermione witnessed something she probably shouldn't have.

September 14th, Athens

A man was inside the director's office as Hermione waited outside. They were talking with raised voices. Through the glass panel on either side of his office door, Hermione spied the other man raise a wand against Mr. Demos. But the director of the museum wasn't phased. He rose from the plushed velvet seat of his chair and drew his own wand from the pocket of his suit. Hermione felt her eyes grew. She had no idea he was a wizard.

"I would put that away if I were you, Christanti," Demos growled. The man, Christanti, stood there for a moment with his wand still outstretched before hiding it in his coat. "Be a little more patient. Ms. Watson has been working on this for months and I know her research will turn something up soon."

Hermione's eyes widened at the mention of her name and she inched further from the door.

"Now, get out! She would be here soon and I don't want her to see you," Demos commanded.

"Do you really think this woman could find what we are looking for?" Christanti asked in a grunt.

"Her reputation precedes her," Demos answered. "She'll find it. I know she will."

A loud pop sounded in the air and Hermione knew that Christanti had disapparated from inside the office.

Hermione had to take a couple of minutes to herself outside his door as she steadied her breathing. Her mind was reeling as she tried to make sense of what she had just heard. First, she knew now that Demetre Demos was a wizard. Second, who was Christanti? What was his relationship to Demos? And third, how did she factor into all of this?

Hermione looked at her letter to McGonagall and read over it again. She was rambling, but she really didn't know how else to summarize what had happened. Hoping that the older witch would have some advice on what to do and how to proceed, Hermione attached the letter to the owl she had borrowed from Rose and sent her flying through the window.

As Hermione watched the owl fly further away, she traced a bracelet James had given her last Christmas and thought about her son. Everything she has done she has done for him. And Hermione hoped that her entanglement with whatever this was with Demetre Demos does not make their already complicated situation even more complicated.


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