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Midoryia's POV:
I have been using one for all jumping from one building to the next...the LOV was out of my sight but I knew I wouldnt be safe until I found some pro heros. One must never think there safe when playing a game of hunter and prey. The LOV were the hunter and I was there helpless prey fleeing for my life.

But I wasnt really thinking about saving myself I was just running...running towards someone...someone important I don't know who but I feel like I need to find them.

Bakugou's POV:
I was walking trying to think of  a solid plan to save My Deku, sure I knew that the more time that I wasted thinking the more likely he could be getting killed or worse tortured. Just the thought of them laying a finger on my Precious made my skin crawl and I felt the murderous cravings slowly creeping its way into my brain. My hands giving off sparks i was so pissed...
AHHHHHH!!! I screamed blasting an explosion in the air
WHERE ARE YOU, YOU BASTARD!!!! I fell to my knees...'what if i never find him, what if i lose him forever'

Third Person POV: Midoryia focus
Midoryia saw the explosion and in that instant he knew who he was running towards...his lifelong childhood friend, his bully,his classmate,his rival,his future...
"Kacchan" I said in a whisper as I landing in front of him 'was he crying'

Katsuki looks up and meets the emerald green eyes of Izuku..."Deku" Katsuki said in a raspy voice
"how did you escape"

Izuku smiles; " I freaked out and started bouncing off the walls and accidently broke one...and then I just kept running;
Lets go back to UA shall we I dont know if im still being followed"

And with that the two went back to UA both content that they ran into each other
Deku glad it was Katsuki and not a villian and Bakugou glad that Deku was by his side walking unharmed and happy as ever, laughing about how stupid Izuku thought Bakugou was for setting off an explosions right above him!!


after everything had settled and Izuku told the pros everything he could remember everyone headed off into different directions and Deku went to his room and drifted to sleep...all unaware of the challenges that lie ahead...the pain some will go through and the trouble one man will endure to keep what  he has claimed!

Authors Note:
Oh wow that felt awesome to write...I havent really wrote a chapter as good as this since the 8th grade I wanna again think moss_likesto_write for allowing me this oppurtunity, "you really inspired me!!"
Have a great day yall Next chapter coming soon!!

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