The Contract:

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       3rd Person POV:
When Aizawa and the two boys finally reached the UA dorms Izuku was fast asleep so Bakugou picked him up bridal style and chuckled as Izuku whined and buried his face in Bakugous neck.
Aizawa smiled a tiny barely noticeable smile and then uttered the words he knew he'd probably regret; "you can take him to your dorm if you want"
Bakugou smiled and then carefully started to walk into the Class 1A soon as he entered the entire class was up and crowding around him all about to shout and wonder what happened until they saw Izuku asleep in Bakugous arms and the collar with the Chain attached the Katsukis hand...around Dekus neck...
Minas mouth dropped open but then was quickly replaced with a smirk " okay people nothing to see here just Bakugou and his Teddybear~"
She then turns to Bakugou and leans down to give Izuku a small kiss on the cheek; "I want details later Izuzu" she whispered in his ear and then turned to go back to what she was doing like the rest of the class.
Bakugous POV:

My Deku is cuddled up in my blankets...its was a struggle to get him out of my arms...It was hard seeing him like that...knowing I couldn't do anything to help.
I wasn't aware of what was happening to Deku with his father...hell I didn't even know his father was in Japan, I was told that his father went overseas...thats something I've always been glad that at least his father was gone and didn't abuse him...
His father used to abuse Auntie when me and Deku where just babies...and when Deku turned five Auntie said that Dekus father packed his things and booked it to America as soon as he found out Deku was quirkless.

I was so glad that Deku wouldn't get abused, but it seems when Deku started Junior High his father contacted him...told him he was back in Japan and wanted to see him...I'm not sure on the specifics but from what Auntie and my Mother told me... Izukus father...Raped Deku for months until finally Deku's mind broke and he started to to need to have sex with his father...The old Hag said it was something called  Stockholm syndrome...something that happens after being held captive and forced to repeat the same things begin to think you want it that you need happened with Beauty and the Beast...believe it or not...Disney show my ASS. I am just wondering if that is why Izuku likes me because I am rough with him like his father...I do not want Deku to associate me with his father...

Just then Izuku began to wake up...
"Deku, Baby you awake" I question as I walk to my bed and sit down beside him.
"Hmm barely" deku mumbled and climbed into my lap...straddling me.
"Deku" I mumble
"Good morning Master" Deku says with a smile
"Morning, before I show you my contract I need to know, do you only love me because I remind you of your father?" I whisper
Deku looks shocked but then he smiles and giggles
"Of course not ,  you are nothing like my father...I care about you more than anyone else...I have since we were kids." Deku Giggles out
Hearing those words made my enter body heat up...I wanted to have sex with him right then and there...but I pulled him off my lap and stood up walking over to my computer desk and opening a drawer.
I pulled out a envelope with the words contract for Izuku on it  and handed it to him.
Read this when you are alone not around me...make any changes you want and the bring it back to me for us to sign.
"Yes Sir" Deku Nodded a Determined look on his face and then marched out of my room.
I laughed at his serious facial expressions and sat down at my computer desk to finish my homework.

Deku's POV:
After receiving Kacchan's contract I was determined to read it as soon as possible. I was on my way to my room with the envelope hen suddenly I was stopped by a voice calling out to me.
"Midoryia wait can I talk to you" Todoroki asked
"Sure what's up" I respond
"Um, well about what Dabi made you do for me...when he told you to suck me off, I know you were just doing what you were told but I have been wondering how you felt." Todoroki explained
" if your wondering if it felt gross, not at all...I felt good doing it...but Todoroki I know you like me..." I was cut off
"I know you like Bakugou, I won't try and stop you from dating him or anything...I'm just happy that you are happy, thats all I really care about." Todoroki states and gives me a hug.
"Goodbye Midoryia" Todoroki whispers in my ear and then turns and head to his dorm
I smile knowing he is okay but I can't help but think that he is just pretending.
I walk the rest of the way to my room and when I am inside, I dig through my drawer for my lucky red pen.
A pen i only use to write in my journal...I use it for any important information in my journal the rest I write in Black or blue ink.

Attraction Yandere Bakugou x IzukuWhere stories live. Discover now