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Its been a week and Bakugou had his plan all ready to put into motion. Where will this plan get him? Will Deku be happy or will he be petrified? Find out now
Bakugous POV:
Its Monday and we have the day off due to a threat on the school. My plan is set in motion as I slide a note under Dekus door and bolt to my own room to pack and get things ready.

I pack enough clothes for 2 weeks in one suit case. And in another i pack food...things that wont go bad...
Soda (dr pepper and cola)
Granola bars (chocolate covered)
Cereral bars (fruity and cocoa pebble ones)
Candy corn (dekus fav.)
And a lot of Beef Jerky (also dekus fav.)

And then in a third suitcase I pack toothpaste
Hair brush
Shampoo and conditioner
Body wash
And Four extra sets of clothes (for deku in case he doesnt pack enough).
And several board games as well as card games
And then I head out with all my stuff and sneak out unnoticed headed for Me and Dekus secret Base.
Dekus POV:
  I was sitting in my bed reading an allmight comic when a note slide under my door. I read it...(heres what it said...)
  Dear Deku,
Please pack some clothes shower stuff and anything else you need...tell no one you are leaving and dont get caught...
Meet me at our Secret Base
Leave your phone but bring your wallet
Be there in 2 hours
See you then
Sincerly Bakugou
After packing everything I began to wonder why Kacchan wanted to meet at our secret base we havent stayed there since we were kids. I tried to invite Kacchan there when we were in Junior High and He set an explosion off in my face
Well whatever the reason im glad...ive missed that place.
I packed Enough clothes for 1 and 1/2 weeks
My shower stuff
Some candy
Milk chocolate covered raisins
Pocky (strawberry/Kacchans fav.)
Soda(dr.pepper and cola)
And Some Trail mix (2 pounds)
As. i zipped my suitcase up I thought about what we would do I opened the smaller pocket and slide in 14 All might comic books and 5 Wonder woman comic books
And a drawig pad with a small pouch of pencils
Zipped it up and I was on my way

Third persons POV:
As Izuku left the school and headed towards the hide out...he felt like he should turn back...but he kept going knowing it was just his nerves...after some time he arrived...izuku stood in front of a door labeled Keep hid in between the moutains and was covered by a whipling willow...the smell of fresh spring wafted from the waterfall a little ways down...and then the Izuku turned the knob...and stepped in side slidding his shoes off and stopping dead in his tracks...
Dekus POV:
As i stepped in and slide off my shoes...I looked around and froze...every inch of the base had been swept mopped and wiped down tona perfect shine
The bed was made
The couch didnt have a speck of dust on it
The shelf was dusted and lined with new books,comics,manga and Three Drawing pads labeled Deku 01,Deku02, first three drawing pads...i walked over to them and took them down...Kacchan must have been here because his stuff was laying on the floor next to the bed...but maybe he went out to get some food...
I sat on the floor and set the sketch pad on the table flipping through the pages...
They were horrible
But then i came across a picture that caught my eye
It was a two page spread I had done of me and i never showed him...i had grown a lot since then and the image was wholesome but i was to embarrassed to show him...because i was scared he would hurt me.
I decide I was gonna redraw it but with us as we are today...i took out my current sketch pad...labeled Deku 412
And flipped to a blank page...and then took out my pecils and got to sketching...after I had done the layout I lined it with ink and then earased the pencil...I then found my old box of Copic markers and started coloring within an hour I had finished my two page spread. Signed it and put my old sketchbook back on the shelf and the markers back in the cabinet i found them in and then went and laid down...
I had no idea where Kacchan was but I was dark and I was tired.
Bakugous POV:
I was kicking myself for taking so long in town...i knew Deku was already there because he was never anything.
When I arrived I opened the door and took off my shoes setting the pizza in the counter...I went to find Deku...
There he was on the bed fast asleep I was gonna wake him up but the Insaw his sketch book open on the small table...i looked and saw a full two page spread of and deku
One page was Deku in his hero costume but it was all torn up and he was bloody...on the second page there was me and I was in my hero costumed bloodied and my clothes torn. I knew the page he used as reference in his old sketchbook...he didnt know i knew but I saw was the two of us in the page had a small child version of Deku chasing a Butterfly and the other was of me With a butterfly on my nose it was.terribly drawn cause he was a child but i still remembered that.
Even in this photo the were two on my head and one on dekus outstretched hand.

Authors note.
Hi guys I wasnt tired so I figured Id start now...but im tired and this chapter is getting super long so I will pick it up after the party im going will be titled Kidnapped? (Part2)

Also if you would like me to draw the picture Deku drew in this chapter Comment '🖌😚'
If you want me to draw the one he drew as a kid comment '❤🍭'
And if you want both comment '😜😈'
The time for you to comment for the drawing is from today until March 10th.
Then ill start the drawing
Have a great day😘

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