Love Showdown

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Dekus point of view:
It has been a few months since me and Kacchan got together and i got to say it has been great relationship-wise but for the past 2 weeks I've gotten the weird feeling that I am being followed. I haven't thought much of it maybe it was the paparazii ever since...Dabi went public with me and his so called Love story they have been everywhere.

Still Deku's POV:
I am sitting on the couch with Kacchan and we are watching the news...they are talking about the new string of bank robberies were a Mystery Man with an unknown quirk somehow manages to walk into the bank with no one noticing and then walk out with bags of money...the people don't even know they have been robbed for at least several hours.
I find it really interesting how can someone pull that off and how has he evaded the Pro Heros.
...the lady on the scene holds a finger to her ear and then breaks out into a smile...
"Well Folks do we have a story for you tonight, I will now be passing the cameras off to my collegue Mellow Pierce she is at the Males Prison and boy does she have a story."
I look at Kacchan puzzled and he shrugs his shoulders.
"Thank you Mindy I decided to take a trip down here to visit one of the inmates who wrote me a letter telling me he's got a hot scoop on an up and coming hero from UA... so lets go on and begin the interview..."
she then asked the guards to bring the prisoner in.
and I gasped when I saw who it was...
there right in front of me staring into the lens at 4k was Dabi
Kacchan reached for my hand and I gripped it tight as I listened to the story he had to tell.
"So Dabi is it?" The news Reporter begins
"Yes thats my name" Dabi huffs
"In your letter you said you had something juicy to talk to me about,an inside scoop into the love life of none other than Izuku Midoryia from UA is that correct?" The reporter sets the bait
"Yes ma'am I am not sure if this was made public or not but he is the reason I got arrested...his friends and teachers at UA refused to accepted our Love, and when we tried to be alone...they thought I kidnapped him...they busted in right when me and Izuku know...doing it." Dabi baited her into asking about the details.
and of course she fell for it...
"Ohh got any details you care to share!?" She asks
"Oh do I, well first I want to say...the reason he probably hasn't come and visit me is because they are keeping him away from me...that must be the reason...Me and Izuku are in a DOM/SUB relationship...for those of you who don't know what that means Izuku depends on me...lets me care for him...and I can't do that if I am locked in here...when they found poor Izuku was in subspace...normally your suppose to do aftercare, Bath and praise you know coax them out of subspace...but Izuku didn't get that he was ripped from my arms and forced out of subspace...which can be very damaging to the brain." Dabi Tells the story or at least his version.
The interviewer then asks,
"Whats this subspace you keep mentioning about"
"Well its a state of mind a submissive enters during sexual intercourse...I time when they give themselves to the pleasure they are feeling...nothing else matters but the Doms actions, the doms thrusts, the doms orders, the doms moans, the dom praises...there mind goes completely blank and they get lost in the need to have more the desire to never want to end." dabi explains with a small smirk
"I see...and how did it feel to watch Izuku get ripped from his Subspace?" She inquires
"It was heartbreaking...the mental tole it could have taken on him was scary enough...but the look on his the only thing he ever cared about was being taken right before his eyes was what broke me the most." Dabi lets a tear roll down his face.
"I just miss him so much... and uh well I was kinda hoping you could do me a favor...if its possible I would like to say a few words to him if thats alright?" Dabi pleads
"Of course we are live right now" she says
Dabi then turns and looks into the camera...
I gulp as I feel his cold lustful Blue eyes stare directly at me do the screen
"Hey little mouse its your master if you are seeing this come visit me...I know your friends and teachers will try and stop you but I really want to see you hear your voice...I miss it little mouse...and I know you miss me...anyway you know where I am,  Come find me Little mouse" Dabi winks and turns back to face the interviewer...
every since that people keep coming up and taking my pictures to send to Dabi, writing stories of me training in the morning,my dates with Kacchan, my family events, even my grocery shopping like what the hell...
today I am on my way back when I hear a little girl scream...I ran around the corner towards thee scream and see a little girl with pink hair and a boy about 14 with black and red hair...the girl i on the ground holding her face and the boys got a cut on his shoulder...and standing in front of me is Toga...I got my provisional license so I can use my powers on toga,but I don't i calmly walk towards her looking her straight in the eye...she is hypnotized. I quickly grab the knife throwing it out of reach and tying her with a piece of rope, that was next to me. I call it into the police station and then check on the kids. They seem to be fine but just in case I use bandages I bought for my wrists to wrap there wounds...and then there is a flash and a camera and a women with a camera in my face...
"Hi my name is Mellow Pierce you mind tellling me what happened today!" She asks
"Sure I was walking back to the dorms from the grocery store when I heard the scream. When I rounded the corner I found Toga here who is wanted her for lets see 30 thousand dollars.and a couple of kids with cuts but nothing fatal." I state
just then the police arrives I load the kids in the ambulence so they can get them home. I was about to leave when Toga says this
"Dabi is waiting Little mouse" "HEhE"

(imma end it here)

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