Chapter 39 - Violent Delights

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As soon as the words tumbled from your lips, a stunned hush fell over the lab. Even the beeping and buzzing of Tony's various machinery seemed to fall quiet as the room took a collective, confused breath. Gaze darkened, Tony grabs your arm and starts guiding you across the lab, away from the others.

"You're positive?" Tony asks in a hushed voice. He's pulled you inside his office to speak privately.

"Yeah," you say in a weak whisper.

"You're certain?" he urges, shuffling his feet, pacing slightly.

"Yes, Tony," you exhale, tears brimming in your eyes.

"Okay, but, you're absolutely sure?"

"For God's sake, yes!" you exclaim, a tear falling down your cheek. "I know what I saw. Please, Tony, you have to believe me. I need you to believe me."

Tony casts you a doubtful glance, but he's running his hand through messy brown hair - something his vanity only allows him to do when he's distressed enough not care about his perfect cut.

"You do," you whisper. "Don't you?"

"I don't know, Squirt," Tony says gently. "Tell me what you saw."

"Phil was dead," you say, lip trembling. "H-he was on the ground, bleeding. They eyepatch guy - Fury?"

"Director Fury," Tony nods. "Damn, of course he's a part of this. Go on, kiddo. What did he do?"

"I don't know, exactly," you say. "But Agent May met up with him and they were at this...this vault? And there was a beach inside and-."

"A beach?" Tony interrupts. "A beach inside a vault?"

"I think so," you sigh. "I don't understand it either, but...when the vault opened he was there. He was standing right there. Alive. It was him," you say. "Phil is alive."

Tony catalogues your face, scrutinizing it as he thinks deeply. "I don't know about this, Squirt. Could you be confused? Could you have mixed up a memory? Combined or twisted them somehow?"

"No," you say staunchly. "Memory shards can be broken. Scattered out of order but the actual memories inside of them? They're raw. Untouched. They're whole. That's why all I have to do is put them back in the right order. I did that, Tony. I saw Phil. Alive. And-," your words evaporate as Phil's face in your head starts to morph. Dark hair and green eyes take its place, and your heart lurches painfully as if being torn in two. Tears flow more freely as a bitter confusion plays tug of war in your chest. On one side anger and detest. On the other...longing. Hope. That unexplainable sense of desperation to just be near the raven-haired god.

"What's wrong, Squirt?" Tony says, watching the emotions play out on your face.

You open your mouth to answer - to try to explain what you're feeling - but the emotions are too strong. Too confusing. You let out a pained sob as you push back the desire to use your Perception to Bleed someone - anyone - to get rid of the pain in your chest.

I hate him because he killed Phil. But...he didn't. He didn't kill him, the thought pops to the forefront of your mind.

"Squirt, you're freaking me out," Tony says, placing a hand on your shoulder and guiding you to his office couch. "What's going on in there?" he asks, tapping your temple with his finger.

"I-I don't...I don't know," you stammer, salt-laced lips catching the tears rolling down your cheek. "I think I have to find him, Tony."

"Okay," Tony says, brow creased in worry. "All right. You know what? I'll, uh, I'll call Fury and figure out if we can -."

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