Chapter 43 - Facing the Family

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The rest of the flight passes without incident  - with exception to the daggers Loki shot your way each time your gaze flit to his. But as soon as the flight landed, you had drifted back to Loki's side as you promised you would. The moment your hand was back in his, Loki's entire demeanor shifted. That smug grin was back on his face as his hands wandered over your body with each movement - a hand on the lower back as you maneuvered off the jet. An arm lent as you walked down the jet bridge steps. And a kiss at the bottom - just long enough to bother Tony, but not so lingering that you drew stares from the tarmac personnel. 

A limo had been waiting only paces away from the jet's steps. Standing near the door was a rotund man with curly dark hair that Tony greeted warmly, as if close friends. You were surprised to hear Tony address him as "Happy", wondering if it was a nickname born from the irony that his face looked...well, anything but happy.

The three of you piled in, and rode in silence back to the city. Tony sat at the back - a glass of champagne in hand. Thor took the seat nearest the door. Until he realized the ceiling of the limo had tiny, glowing stars that shifted colors. He quickly took his spot laying flat on the ground staring up. 

Loki wasted no time pulling you into his side, keeping you close as you sat curled up together on the long side of the limo. Twice you had to smack his hand away as it crept dangerously high on your thigh. 

"Mortal transportation," Loki scoffs as the limo comes to yet another full stop on the freeway - stuck amid the heavy traffic. "The incompetence is staggering."

"There's a lot of us here," you grin, laying your head on his shoulder. "Relax. We're almost there."

Another 15 minutes goes by as traffic moves slowly, creeping along at a walking pace. Until finally the driver breaks through, pulling off the interstate and weaving his way through the city until you spot Stark Tower in the distance.

"Home," you sigh the moment you spot it. 

Loki doesn't respond. But he does press a kiss to the top of your head. 

With incredible skill, your driver weaves and dances through traffic, finally pulling off the main city streets and taking a hidden street below the bridge, heading underground and into a long, empty tunnel. You lean forward to glance through the front windshield, eager to spot the security booth that tells you you're about to pull into Tony's garage. When in the distance a small figure seems to hover in the middle of the road. As soon as you spot it, it takes off, heading toward you. You squint, trying to make out the small shape. It only takes a moment for you to recognize it as the Mark VII.

"I have a bad feeling about this," you mumble to yourself as Happy heads further down the underground passageway toward the garage. You glance at Tony, but you can't see his eyes through his dark sunglasses. Yet a tiny twitch at the corner of his lips gives him away.

"Uh oh," you hum.

Loki arches a brow at you, but asks no questions.

Your stomach continues to sink as you watch the Mark VII suit draw closer, eventually flying parallel to the car immediately outside your window. You glance at Tony, who now has a small, barely perceptible smile playing on his lips.

"Oh I've got a really bad feeling about this," you say again, more quietly, sinking down into your seat.

Loki's eyes flit from you, to Tony, to the Mark VII flying outside the car window, but before he has the chance to inquire into your meaning, the car comes to a halt within the car park outside the lab. Lined up just inside the glass doors are the Avengers. Once more in full uniform. And this time, the Hulk is with them.

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