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Here's the next chapter. Enjoy!

3rd person's POV:

"Alright, here's the mission for tonight." Atsumu telling the mafia members who are in the meeting room. "For tonight's mission, someone own us money and that the person is Mr *** Oikawa." He announced the mission to the members. "And the people who are going to the mission are Tsukishima and Daichi. There will be another person who will join with the both of you. He is at the location where you will be meeting." Daichi then raised his hand and asked, "Who is this person who we have to meet?" Atsumu glanced up from his tablet and looked at Daichi. "His name is Hajime Iwaizumi. He's an Alpha like you. I'll send a picture to both of your phone for you to see what he looks like. That's all for tonight, you are dismissed." All of the members stood up from their seats and left the meeting room. 

Kei and Daichi are in the weapon room choosing their weapon until their boyfriends entered the room. Shoyo walk up to Kei while Suga walk up to Daichi. "What's wrong love?" Kei asked Shoyo as he caresses Shoyo's face. "Kei, I'm scared that you'll get injured since I'm not going to be with you. And, and....." Kei kissed Shoyo on the lips who was in shock when receiving Kei's kiss but he kissed back. "I'm going to be fine, love. I'll be back after the mission and then we'll have our wedding." Reassuring Shoyo who is crying. "I love you so much Kei." Kei smiled and kissed Shoyo's forehead. "I love you too Shoyo." Both Daichi and Suga awed at Kei and Shoyo. Suga turned his head to face his boyfriend and hugged him. Daichi hugged back and look at Suga with love so Daichi placed his hand on Suga's cheek. "I'm going to miss you Daichi." Daichi kissed him and put his forehead against Suga's. "After this mission, we can go take a long vacation." Suga smiled at the thought that his boyfriend suggested. "I'll like that." Just that, Shoyo and Suga waved at their boyfriends while crying as Kei and Daichi enter their vehicle. Once Kei and Daichi entered their vehicle, they left the mansion to do their mission.

At the location

"This place seems more of bar(the picture above it)." Kei stated after the both of them arrived at the location where they will be meeting Hajime. They both enter the bar to see many people but mostly is filled with omegas. They searched throughout the place to find Hajime and they found him sitting down where the bartender is, drinking cocktail. "Are you Hajime Iwaizumi?" Daichi asking Hajime as he turns his head to face them. "That's right. You both must be Tsukishima Kei and Daichi Sawamura." Hajime then gestured the both of them to sit. "So, how are we going to kill this guy?" Kei asked while looking through the menu to see what kind of drink. "Well, I researched about this guy and turns out he comes to this bar very often at 8.30 pm which is about 5 minutes to now." Hajime stated before sipping his drink. So, the three of them waited in the bar for Mr **** Oikawa to come but what they didn't know is that someone is coming along with this man. As the timing came, the doors of the bar opened revealing Mr *** Oikawa. They also notice someone is standing next to him. Hajime blushes when he saw what the person next to their target is wearing.

                                                      This is what Toru Oikawa is wearing

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                                                      This is what Toru Oikawa is wearing

"Hey Daichi, do you think the person next to the target is close to him?" Kei whispered into Daichi's ear. Kei and Daichi turned to see Hajime checking out the figure. The figure then walked towards where they are. "C-can I sit here?" The figure stutter so Hajime stood up and walked towards the figure. He grabbed the figure's hand gently and kissed it. "Of course you can my lady~" The figure blushed by his actions while Kei and Daichi's jaws dropped in shock. Hajime then guide the figure to the sit next to his. "Tell me my lady~ What's your name?" Hajime ask. "O-oh! My name is Toru. Toru Oikawa." The figure named Toru replied Hajime's question. Hajime smirked and asked a question that will shock the three of them. "Well Toru, will you be sad and devastated if me and my dear colleagues killed Mr *** Oikawa?" Toru smiled. "Of course you can. Why do I need that excuse of a father so please kill him." Kei, Daichi and Hajime were stunned by Toru's reply. "Wait he's your father?!" Toru turned his head to face Kei and Daichi and nodded his head by Daichi's outburst. "More like a poor excuse of a father. He treats me badly just because I'm an omega and not an alpha." After Toru said that, he started crying. Hajime pulls Toru into his chest so Toru cried harder but was glad that the bar is very loud so that his 'father' wouldn't hear him. The three alphas felt bad for Toru so Kei and Daichi stood up making Toru confused after Toru cried all of his heart out into Hajime's chest. "Well Toru, after hearing your sad story, that gives the both of us more determination to kill him." Kei stated. Toru smiled and thanked them.

Let's go see what the others are doing back at the mansion

Sakusa's POV:

I was walking around the mansion since there was nothing for me to do. As I walked past the kitchen, I smelled something aromatic from the kitchen so I walked back to the entrance of the kitchen. Then I saw someone in the kitchen baking cakes and desserts so I decided to walk closer to the person. Once I was closer to the person, I realized it was Atsumu baking cakes and desserts. By the time I reached to Atsumu, my face was planted on the ground. "Ow..." I groaned from the pain. "Sakusa?!" He yelled. I felt his weight off and I saw his hand outstretched to me. "Sorry about that Omi-kun. It's my reflexes so I can't help it." He nervously chuckled while using his free hand to scratch the back of his neck. I grabbed his hand and pull myself up. "It's fine. It's my fault for sneaking up on you. Anyways, what are you doing?" I looked at desserts which Atsumu seems to know where I am looking. "Oh right! I was baking because I received a call from some of the members that they had finished their mission so they are coming back." I nodded my head as a understanding even though I don't know who these other members are but I'll find out tomorrow.

Like the chapter? I'll see you in the next chapter!

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