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Tetsurou's POV:

'It's been a while thinking that Yaku, Kenma and I are coming back here.' I thought to myself as my husband, Yaku and I are standing in front of the mansion. "It's been such a long time we came here with the team." Yaku stated with his hands on the his waist. I nodded my in agreement because I haven't seen one of my best friends like Daichi. But that is when I noticed someone was supposed to check our ID cards. I looked from top to bottom searching that specific person and Kenma seems to know what I am trying to do. "Tetsu, I know your looking for him." I faced at my husband and smiled knowing he is also worried for the guy. "I'm just worried about him kitten. We haven't seen him since the mission." Yaku raised his eyebrow and asked me, "Who is 'him' ?" Kenma and I looked at each other forgetting that Yaku has not met Lev once. "You'll find out Yaku. Now, let's go in." The three of us then entered the mansion without knowing that Lev has been watching them from the shadows. Once the three of us entered the mansion, we were welcomed by the team. Atsumu and Osamu then walked up towards us. "Congratulations on completing the mission you three." Osamu stated and the three of us bowed to him. "You guys deserve a break after completing a mission. Take a four week day off." Atsumu smile at us. "Hey Atsumu, do you where 'he' is?" I asked Atsumu and he seems to know who I was talking about. "I will give him a call." I nodded my head before he left to make a call.

Moments later

Atsumu came back and mouthed for me to see 'he's coming'. I smile knowing that Kenma and I are going to see him. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned around and my eyes widen. "Lev!!" I shouted when I saw my favorite security and friend standing there wearing in black clothes. "Hello Tetsurou-san..." He silently spoke to me before facing Kenma. "Hello to you too Kenma-san..." But once he notice Yaku, he went into his attack stance and was about unsheathe his sword until Atsumu stopped him. "Lev stop!" His ears perked up by Atsumu's voice and walked to him. 'Still loyal to Atsumu I see' I thought to myself. "Lev. I know your still not used to see unfamiliar faces other than us but you can't randomly go to your stance for attacking. Okay?" Atsumu lectured Lev and Lev nodded his head not wanting to disobey. "Um Tetsurou?" I looked at Yaku who has a questioning face. "Who is that?" I smiled at him and replied, "That's Lev, our security and swordsman. He was forced to kill people when he was 10 years old. But after Atsumu and Osamu's parents saved him, they made him as their security and a bodyguard for Atsumu so he is only loyal to him." Yaku nodded his head and went back to look at Lev.

Meanwhile with Daichi, Tsukishima, Iwaizumi and Oikawa

3rd person's POV:

"Thank you so much for killing him. If it weren't for you guys, my life would be much worse." Toru smiled at the three as he thanks them. "It was no problem. Besides, he owes our work money." Daichi replied. "Well then, it's time for us to part." But before Toru could walked away, he was grabbed by the wrist. He looked at his wrist to see Hajime's hand grabbing it. "Hajime-san?" Hajime pulled Toru towards him and hugged Toru's waist. "H-H-Hajime-s-san!!" Toru stuttered while blushing profusely. "Toru, would you like to live with me and my friends?" Hajime asking Toru. "U-um s-sure." Replied back to Hajime while still blushing profusely. Hajime smiled. "Alright boys! Let's go back home." Daichi announced to Tsukishima, Hajime and Toru since he wanted to see his boyfriend.

Back at the mansion

The whole gang is at the dining doom eating their dinner until someone came in. "Atsumu! Kiyoko and I found some disturbing information!" Said by the short blonde girl. She ran to Atsumu and gave him a paper of information that Kiyoko and her found. Atsumu read the paper and his eyes widen. He quickly showed Osamu the paper and Osamu stood up making the members confused. "Sugawara call Ennoshita, Asahi and Nishinoya now!" Sugawara whipped out his phone dial to call Ennoshita. After Sugawara called the three, he told Osamu that they are on the way. Osamu nodded his head.

Minutes later

Asahi, Nishinoya and Ennoshita arrived at the mansion. The three of them was confused on why their boss called them during their day off. "I bet you three are wondering why I called you here on your day off." Osamu walked towards the three and the three nodded. "I want you three save this omega I have a picture of. And Nishinoya, you should know this omega." Osamu handed Nishinoya the picture for him  to see. Nishinoya looked at the picture and his eyes wide open. Tears started to fall down on Nishinoya's face as he lets go the picture. "Ryuunosuke...H-he's here...." He whispers under his breath while Asahi and Ennoshita looked at the picture that was dropped on the floor. "Do you know him babe?" Asahi asking his omega boyfriend who is crying. "T-that's Ryuunosuke, my childhood friend... He was forced to marry this unknown alpha that his father chose and he is getting abused from that bastard who is his so called husband." Nishinoya explained to his boyfriend and his best friend. Both Asahi and Ennoshita's eyes widen when they heard Nishinoya's childhood friend is getting abused from his 'husband'. "Boss, do you know where he is?" Nishinoya asking Osamu and Osamu nodded. "He should be working at the club his 'husband' owns as a bartender." Nishinoya wiped his tears away and was determined to get back his childhood friend. "What are we waiting for? Let's go save my childhood friend!" Everyone smiled at Nishinoya's determination and so Asahi, Ennoshita and Nishinoya went to prepare for the mission.

I hope you like this chapter. The next part will the second last of 'Characters in the story'. See you in the next chapter!

Mafia [Omegaverse AU]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum