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I'm back! Hope you enjoy this chapter!!

The Akutawagas turned around when they heard Lev's voice. "Lev! My sweet baby, how are you?" Nakajima tackled Lev with a hug while Ryunosuke ruffled his son's hair. " I'm doing fine Papa. But what are you and Dad doing here? I thought you both had work." Lev asking his foster parents why they are here and not at work. "Your father and I had a day off for two weeks so we thought why not come here since your acquaintances invited us." Nakajima explaining to Lev the reason. "Lev, would you mind introducing us?" Tetsurou asking Lev. "They are Nakajima Akutagawa and Ryunosuke Akutagawa, my foster parents. They adopted me when my real family got killed." Introducing his foster parents to the Kuroos and Yaku. "Nice to meet you Mr Nakajima and Mr Ryunosuke. My name is Tetsurou Kuroo, this is my husband Kenma Kuroo and this is my friend Morisuke Yaku." The Kuroos, Akutagawas and Yaku chatted while Lev left to check something.

Suddenly, gunshots was heard in the air causing the guests to panic and screamed in fear. Lev then ran up to the Kuroos, Akutagawas and Yaku while covered in blood. "Lev! What in the world is going on?!" Tetsurou exclaimed. "We're being ambushed by the enemy! They must have our location sir!" Lev explained to them before turning around to shoot the enemy in the chest. "We need to get out of here now!" The Kuroos, Akutagawas and Yaku nodded their head and followed Lev to the exit. But as soon they reached the exit, Lev was shot in the arm causing him to curse loudly. "Fuck!" The Kuroos, Akutagawas and Yaku stopped running and turned around to see Lev was shot in the arm as the blood is seeping into his white sleeved shirt. "Lev!" Lev being the stubborn person he is, continued to walk with his hand on his injured arm while telling his friends and family that he's fine.

As soon they arrived at the exit, they found police cars surrounding the area and ambulances checking the victims for injuries. Nakajima being a grateful parent helped Lev to a nearby ambulance to get his injured arm in check. Atsumu and Sakusa then walked up to the Kuroos, Ryunosuke and Yaku. "Thank goodness you guys are safe. And hello to you Mr Ryunosuke." Ryunosuke nodded his head to greet back Atsumu before Atsumu looked at Tetsurou, Kenma and Yaku with a serious face. "Do you know how this happened?" The three shook their heads in response making Atsumu sigh. "I can't believe I'm saying this but we may need backup from our allies." Atsumu pinched his nose while Sakusa looked at him with curiosity. "You mean we have to ask them for backup?" Tetsurou stared at Atsumu with disbelief on his face not believing that his boss is going to ask for backup from other mafias in another country. "Yes Tetsurou. It's time to call Fairy Tail and SaberTooth for backup because if our enemy wants war, we give them war." Atsumu whipped out his phone and left them preparing to call the two most powerful mafias from Fiore. Sakusa and Yaku stared at Tetsurou who seems pale wondering why Tetsurou looked like as if he saw a ghost. Little do Sakusa and Yaku know, their questions will be answered once they met the mafias that Atsumu had mentioned.

Hi peeps! I'm so sorry if this chapter is short and why I haven't updated this book!! Things have been pretty busy for me! Anyways are you guys surprised! We'll be having more characters from another anime yay! The characters from the anime I'll be adding is called Fairy Tail so prepared to read more future chapters!! Until next time peeps!

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