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Cyann stumbled after Reeva, not sure she'd heard correctly. Murdered? That meant someone was dead, right? Their life had purposely been taken away from them by another person, or so Basim had explained it to her once. Things like that didn't happen in the village; at least, not in her lifetime. Sometimes fishermen died if the Great Sea was rough, but that was the cost of taking from the Great Sea. Further, she couldn't imagine anyone disliking Cheza enough to murder her.

"How did it happen?" she asked, hurrying to catch Reeva.

"I wouldn't be able to explain it at present," came the answer. "Until you understand the whole of the Emissary selection and our mission in the Timespace, the reasons wouldn't make sense to you."

She supposed that made sense until another thought struck her. "Does her family know?"

"All families are adequately compensated at the onset of the Choosing. Further, since no family ever sees their child again, it really matters little if they know their offspring is dead or alive. Such is the risk we take to bring enlightenment to the universe."

Cyann blinked, stunned at the callousness. "How many others have died before Cheza? What if I don't want to take that risk?"

Reeva stopped walking. They hadn't traveled far. Cyann could still smell the sea-salt air though the Great Sea, and Niko, were out of sight. Buildings loomed ahead—all white plaster and colored roofs. They were all things she'd been keen on exploring before. Standing beside Niko, she could believe being his Chosen was exactly what she wanted. Now, she wasn't so sure.

"That is your prerogative. You've only taken the first mark. Your memories can be tweaked and you can be returned to your sanctuary, if that's what you want. Or if Lord Edrigu feels kindly toward you, perhaps he could find you a place in his House. Or he may cast you out. The standing of his House is precarious. Losing a second Chosen would not sit well with the Council of Lords. If there's one thing House Edrigu does not need, it's more disaster heaped upon it."

More disaster? What was Reeva talking about? What did any of it have to do with her? All she wanted to know was if she'd gone from a bad situation to a worse one. Niko had asked her to trust him, but how could she do that on blind faith alone? Then again, what choice did she have?

"He won't let you die," Reeva assured her. "After all, he did Choose you himself. I can already see he won't make the same mistakes he made with your predecessor. Once you begin training and have acquired a grasp of what's at stake, your confusion will lessen. If not, you can always discuss it with Lord Edrigu when you see him tomorrow."

"Don't worry. I plan on it."


They walked to the end of the smooth white stone sidewalk where a sleek looking gray...thing hovered a few feet off the ground. She had no word for it and the ones she did didn't seem good enough. There were no wheels, its gray surface was polished to a glossy sheen, and it held four seats covered with a low roof made of a clear, see-through material. In front of the right seat were buttons and knobs that looked like they might control the thing.

The right side of the...thing opened as Reeva approached. She slid into the seat behind all the buttons and knobs, and looked at Cyann expectantly.

"It's an air-raker," Reeva explained. "It's a little archaic, but still a serviceable tool. Get in."

Cyann looked from the air-raker, up to the sky, and back to Reeva. "We're going to fly?"

"It's the only way to reach the Ministry from here. It would take forever on foot." Reeva pushed back her white and gold trimmed hood, revealing light brown hair worn in tiny spiral curls close to her head. They glittered in the sunlight as if they'd been dusted with gold.

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