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Unease over another run-in with Silvator kept Cyann in her room for the remainder of the day. She even skipped the call to dinner that evening and asked the sibyl system for a meal to be brought to her room. Silvator's violence and the animosity he felt towards Niko were like nothing she'd ever experienced. She didn't know how to deal with so much emotional turmoil. Life hadn't prepared her for that. His behavior also fed her doubts. Maybe it would have been smarter to stay in the village rather than go with Niko. Granted, she wouldn't have had much of a life after the truth about the sunrise flowers came out, but at least she knew what to expect. In Dragholme, everything was unknown and that was more frightening than she cared to admit.

She reviewed her orientation package again, before giving in to exhaustion. Unfortunately, sleep proved elusive. And when she did sleep, her dreams felt more like nightmares. When the little bell contraption on her bedside table chimed gently, announcing it was time to get up, she was already awake and feeling sick to her stomach. She'd barely touched her dinner and didn't think she could manage breakfast—not with the way nerves ate at her stomach. Won't be the first time I've missed a few meals. Probably won't be the last, she reflected grimly as she crawled from the sweaty cocoon of blankets on the bed.

Groggily, she made her way to the bathing room and spent a few moments trying to remember how to work the overhead waterfall of hot water, and dispose of her waste using the flushing contraption on the floor. Was she ever going to remember what these things were called? Then again, what did it matter when she was probably going to be living on another world? Niko had told her to trust him and she wanted to, but had Silvator poisoned the well? Had she just made the worst mistake of her life?

Standing under the hot waterfall, it took her a moment to realize the pounding she heard came from outside rather than her own panic heartbeat. The Ministry people were there already? Wasn't it too early yet? Her orientation package had said they'd arrive in the morning to help her get ready for the welcome ceremony and whatever followed after that. She'd wanted to be ready for them, but it was barely dawn.

"I'm coming!" she shouted, hastily drying herself with a towel. She grabbed the white robe with the gold trim she'd dropped on the floor and threw it around herself, tying the belt with fumbling fingers. Her wet hair dripped down her back, soaking the robe. She knew she looked unprepared. They'd probably never had a Chosen so unready and scattered. From the impatient pounding on the door, she had the feeling she was going to get an earful. Definitely not a good way to start the morning.

Skidding to a halt, she paused at the door. What if it wasn't Reeva or other Ministry people out there? What if Silvator waited instead? Her anxiety kicked up another notch.

"Who is it?" she asked, pulse pounding in her throat.

"It's me, Cyann. Please open the door."

Niko. He'd promised he would see her today, but this early? Still, her relief left her feeling boneless and she sagged against the door.

"Cyann, are you all right?" Niko asked from outside.

"I'm fine. Just...Everything is fine." She opened the door and forced a smile to her face. "Sorry. I didn't expect to see you so soon."

He looked much as he had yesterday, dressed in black leather that molded to his body and emphasized his shoulders and deep chest. However, he didn't appear to be carrying any weapons—or at least, none she could see. His blond hair fell down over his forehead and he pushed it away with an absent swipe. The gesture drew attention the clean lines of his face—the full lips, high cheekbones, eyes that made her think of lush green forests. She couldn't help but stare up at him. He really was beautiful. Had she noticed that yesterday? Maybe, but it seemed more pronounced now, like she was seeing him for the first time.

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