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The marking ceremony was set for midmorning, on the roof of the Ministry building, Reeva announced upon arrival in Cyann's room. Then she'd then looked around as if she found something out of order but wasn't sure what. She entered with two other women in tow, both dressed in white. They reminded her of Avanti's domestic yesterday—silent and efficient as they bustled about the room at Reeva's command. They made sure Cyann ate before dressing her in an iridescent white shift trimmed with gold—those seemed to be the Ministry's colors, she decided. It flowed to the floor and covered her white sandals, leaving her arms bare except for a gold bracelet on each wrist.

With the shift's thin shoulder straps, Niko's bite mark was clearly visible. Though he hadn't broken the skin, it was still an angry red and the skin around it was tender. It would probably bruise later. Cyann winced when she moved her arm. Was this something men did to women, she wondered. If so, she wasn't sure she liked it. Did he expect her to bite him as well? She would have to ask him next time—assuming there even was a next time. When Reeva saw the mark, she merely raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. Cyann wasn't sure if she should be relieved she didn't have to explain or worried because Reeva knew what it meant.

After the domestics dressed her, her hair was also brushed and styled until it flowed in golden waves to the small of her back. She'd had no idea her hair was that long since she normally kept it tied back. Whenever it seemed too long, Basim demanded she cut it so it wasn't a hindrance in his workroom. Other than keeping herself and her clothes clean, her looks had always been negligible. What did it matter how she looked when no one ever looked at her? Now, things were suddenly different. She wore a white shift that felt like silk on her rough hands and her hair gleamed like the sun. Even her eyes, which she'd always thought were a washed out gray seemed dramatic—the gray ringed with a shade of light green she'd never noticed before. For the first time in her life, she felt like she might be pretty. The mirror the two domestics held up so she could look at herself seemed to agree with the assessment. I almost look as good as the chief elder's daughter on her best day, she decided.

While getting ready, Reeva quizzed her on the orientation material, making sure she knew what to say, where to stand, how she was supposed to greet her Primary, who she needed to bow to, and so on. It was simple yet complicated at the same time and Cyann could barely focus on her answers. How could she when her thoughts and body were still buzzing from what Niko had done?

At one point, Reeva snapped her fingers in Cyann's face. "If you can't concentrate on something as basic as this, I don't know you'll be able to complete the Emissary selection at all. Perhaps Lord Edrigu made a mistake in Choosing you."

Time to pull my head out of my ass. "I didn't expect to be attending the marking ceremony since I was already marked. I'm just nervous"

Reeva tapped her lips with a finger, as if she couldn't explain what was bothering her. Her eyes drifted to Niko's bite again, then away. "Well never mind. You're presentable and ready, even if the circumstances are unusual. You're already logged as having received the first mark. The Lords can squabble all they want but it won't change facts."

Cyann merely nodded, wishing she could feel as confident as Reeva sounded. Eventually one of the two women silently gestured to the time piece on the wall, calling Reeva's attention to it. She nodded, the meaning clear: it was time to go.

The four of them trooped down the hall to the spanner. It arrived moments later, taking them up several levels—much farther then when she'd visited the records repository yesterday. She assumed they would be on the roof when the doors opened. Instead they stepped into a small meeting room. The dark muted wall color and the few random lights staged around the walls gave the room a cave-like feel. There were a few tables and chairs, but no windows. On the far side of the room was a staircase that led upwards, presumably to the roof.

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