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After being in the darkened room for so long, the sunlight hurt Cyann's eyes and she winced. It took a moment to grow accustomed to the brightness as she stumbled along behind Reeva. When they finally reached the roof, part of her wished she could go back downstairs. But she had a wide practical streak and she knew there was no getting out of this situation. She'd have to face it head-on. Still, at least one good thing had happened now that she was on the roof—the yelling stopped. However, what she hadn't expected were the stares.

Heads turned. Eyes focused on her with uncomfortable intensity and unfathomable weight, making her skin itch. It wasn't so much she was being judged, but rather there was a sense of expectation in the air, like they were waiting for a performance or something entertaining to happen. Now that she'd arrived, that performance could begin. Cyann refused to acknowledge it or the eyes on her—not when she had to look for Niko. As far as she was concerned, he was the only person on that roof who mattered.

When she saw him, her breath caught. He stood with his feet braced wide apart, his hands curled into fists at his sides. His bottom lip was split and there was a slow trickle of blood running down his chin. His eyes looked wild, the green having turned a startling shade of emerald. At his feet lay Silvator Cabeena, groaning in pain. He lay on his side, one hand held up as if to ward off another wave of attack. His clothes were a rumpled mess with his shirt torn and blood-spattered. He also had blood on his face and the makings of a black eye. Like Niko, his eyes were half-wild, the brown irises now a light amber.

At her gasp, both men swiveled to see her. Their expressions were nearly identical, and it scared her. There was so much want in their faces. Longing, desire, lust—it was all there, and she couldn't understand why. Why would she make either of them feel this way? She'd never met them before yesterday, yet both seemed more than willing to fight to the death for her.

I can't figure this out now. I don't know how. All I know is I have to stop it, Cyann decided.

With that in mind, she carefully approached them, not sure where she should go to do the most good. Both watched avidly, neither man moving. No one spoke. In fact, the entire rooftop was eerily silent as she picked her way forward.

Slowly, as if she approached a hungry predator who wanted nothing more than to devour her, Cyann reached out and took Niko's right hand. The knuckles were swollen. So were those on his left, for that matter. When she touched him, she could actually feel the tension leave him. His eyes were still that wild, unimaginable green, but he looked less savage.

"Niko, what's going on?"

"I felt your fear. When you didn't come up the stairs with the other candidates, I was worried."

"I'm sorry. Lord Avenese had some questions," she answered, worried by the calm she heard in his voice. Her eyes darted to Silvator. "What happened?"

"A Challenge was issued, but it's over now, isn't it Cabeena?" His hand closed over hers, engulfing it. As he spoke, his eyes never left hers. She watched as they changed, the green becoming less pronounced, as if the calmer he became, the less his eyes glittered. Then he dragged her to him so his hands rested on her hips. He dipped his head until his lips hovered over where he'd bitten her. He inhaled deeply, as if he wanted to breathe her in all at once. Her hands rested on her chest, though she suspected she couldn't push him away had she wanted to.

"What are you doing?" she asked, her voice a nervous whisper.

"I need to know you're still mine." His breath was hot on her skin, making her flushed. "You're like a dream I never want to wake from."

Behind her, Cyann heard Silvator move. She turned her head as much as she was able to see him rise painfully to his feet. His eyes were also changing, becoming less amber. His expression was both hard and mocking.

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