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Cyann truly had no idea how long she stood there watching the door she knew wouldn't open again, when she felt a hand tentatively touch her shoulder. A quick glance showed Merelle had crept up behind her.

"My lady, we should go."

"I'm not really anyone's lady," she corrected with a shaky laugh, swiping at the wetness on her cheeks. "And I'm not really sure where I'm supposed to go."

"I suggest we go planet-side. I think it would be best for the two of you to be away from each other. Besides, you're still his Chosen even if you're no longer his mate."

"I..." Why was it suddenly so impossible to string a few words together? "You're right."

"I'm not certain this is a good idea," the crewman piped up from behind the console. "Lord Edrigu hasn't authorized me to begin the launch sequence."

Merelle shot him a withering look. "Do you want to be the one to ask him now, because I certainly don't. I think it's smarter for all of us if we just proceed as normal."

"But Lord Edrigu hasn't actually accepted she's not his—"

"Petrick, stop being an ass and just launch the damn pod," Merelle ordered. "If she wants to repudiate him, it's her choice. She still has a job to do. If there's any fallout, just blame me."

Petrick's lips curled into an annoyed snarl. "Fine. When he realizes she's gone, this is all on your head then."

"It always is," Merelle said before making a face and shrugging at Cyann. "Forgive me, my lady. You shouldn't have to see this in addition to everything else."

"No, it's fine, and you're right," she agreed even as she felt drained. "I trained for this, so I'm going to do it."

"Preparing the pod for launch," Petrick interrupted. The pod issued a series of clicks and its door slowly opened. Its interior lights flickered on. "Go ahead and get in."

Creeping close, Cyann peered inside. On closer inspection, it looked even smaller and more uncomfortable than she thought. Inside were two gray foam padded seats, a set of shoulder and lap harnesses for each seat, and various hand-held straps overhead. I won't be worried about this. Everything is fine. This pod is sturdier than it looks, or so she hoped.

Steeling herself, she climbed into the pod, hoisting her linens up around her so she wouldn't step on them. Merelle followed behind, wedging their packs under her seat. Petrick reached in to fasten their harnesses and give a quick explanation on when to use the overhead straps. Then he backed away and the pod's door closed with another series of clicks. The pod began to vibrate and through one of the small windows, Cyann could see the ship's cargo bay door opening.

First, she saw only the blackness of space. And then, dominating everything was a vast blue-green orb. Cyann gasped at the shimmering sight, chills rolling up her spine. As miserable as she felt, the view was still awe-inspiring. She rubbed her bare arms as if that might stop the shivers dancing along her skin. White clouds swirled the planet's surface, some partially covering the landmasses and large swaths of blue water. Both the poles were ice-covered, which she'd known would be the case, but it was still something to see firsthand.

Scanning the land, she tried to reconcile it with the memories in her head. At first, everything looked distorted. Maybe it was the clouds. Maybe it was the fact that it was so overwhelming to see the world all laid out in front of her.

"Where's the boot?" she asked Merelle.

"The what?"

"The land that's shaped like a boot. That's the only way I can remember where we're going. It's beside the land that's shaped like a boot."

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