From friends to lovers

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[Y/N's POV]
It's been a few days since Hiyoko..did what she did. Kazuichi told me she got detention so thats good I guess."Teruteru wanted me to meet him at the courtyard, I don't know why though" "maybe he wants to confess something!" Ibuki said, very happy for some reason. "maybe he wants to tell me he hates me like everyone else does." "Don't be sad! Ibuki doesn't like when your sad" she said, frowning. I just giggled. "Anyway, Ibuki is gonna go to the dining hall for dinner! Wanna come?" Ibuki saw that I wasn't eating much, so that's probably why. "No, I'm not hungry" "awwwww! okkkk well Ibuki is gonna go eat, see ya!" She then ran off and I headed to my dorm. He's probably cooking so I should wait. So I did, I sat on my bed and looked at what time he wanted me to be there, 8:00pm..ok its 7:20pm so I have time. So I layed on my bed and just sat there. After what felt like 10 minutes I looked at my clock to see that it's 7:47pm.

I was wondering if I fell asleep but thats the least of my worries right now. I quickly got out of my bed and went to my closet and grabbed my f/c sweat shirt and gray sweat pants. I brushed out my hair and looked at the time. "Its already 7:54?" I quickly grabbed a book and ran out, practically slamming the door behind me. I looked back to see mikan shaking, I looked back forward "SORRY MIKAN!". When I got to the courtyard I couldn't see teruteru, so I sat on the concrete then opened my book and started reading. After about 5 minutes I heard a small "hello? Y/n?" "Over here!" I said waving then setting my book down. He smiled and sat next to me. "You aren't your pervy self. You ok?" I said, kinda worried for him. "Im trying to change because of what Hiyoko said..I'm just a pervert who wants to fuck everyone..." I then hugged him. He hesitated, probably because he was surprised but soon enough, he hugged me. "you may be a pervert but your my pervert." I said, still hugging him. I got ontop of him but kept hugging him. (NO THIS IS NOT WHERE YOU THINK ITS GONNA GO YOU DIRTY MINDED FREAK-)

I stopped hugging him and looked down to see him blushing like, alot. I giggled then moved his hands from his face and kissed him. (Why is electric love playing in my head 😀✋) After like 4 seconds because this isn't gonna turn into a makeout session- I let go.


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