Part 10

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I woke up with people surrounding me and teruteru gone. I sat up and miu just shouted. "Hiyoko told us you and fatty fucked last night." I looked at her with wide eyes. "No we didn'-" miu interrupted me. "How long was his dick?" "Miu we didn't fuck ok? Damn" I pushed myself up. "And why is hiyoko back." "She just came back. Hell I don't know!" Miu said. "All of you just get out." One by one they walked out of my dorm. Why did hiyoko ask that? I mean we were close to but we didn't actually do it. I sighed then stood up. I got dressed into a black sweater and grey sweat pants. I really didn't wanna go to school today but here we are. I brushed my hair and my teeth then I grabbed my geology book and walked out to breakfast.

I sat down at a table away from everyone. I don't really come here to eat, I just come here to see teruteru then walk to class with him. When teru walked out of the kitchen, he was with someone I didn't recognize. When they came over to me, she gave me a dirty look. I knew who she was. That bitch. "Hey Y/N!" Teruteru says as he sets a plate in front of me with a egg and cheese omelette on it. "oh I'm not hungry" "you need to eat darling, you haven't eaten in 2 days. You'll starve yourself." The girl muttered something under her breath after He said that. "Teru, baby can we go sit somewhere else." "Please don't call me that." Said teru. Im surprised that teru didn't get a nose bleed. "fine. Anyways I'm Abby Mallen, the ultimate sweetheart. Im new here." She said with a forced smile on her face. She had long brown hair in a ponytail with a white crop top and jean shorts with black tennis shoes. She had always been a show-off ever since middle school. She always used to bully me for being y/s. (Your sexuality, or if your straight just skip this line) I still have scars from her. "uh yeah, I'm y/n l/n. Im the ultimate geologist." "Thats cute." She said sarcastically. "Y/n eat we don't have much time left." I nodded my head then started eating. Once I was done I cleaned my plate in the kitchen then walked to class with teruteru. Abby followed us then pulled me away. She whispered to me "He's mine, if you get in between us you wont like it!" She patted my shoulder. I looked at her then went back next to teru's side. "I don't trust her." I said. "Why not? She helped make breakfast this morning! She seems nice." Teru said. "alright." I said to him.

When we got to class we sat down as Mrs. Yukizome gave role. "Abby" "Here!" fuck. She's in our class to? She was already bad enough. "Y/N?" "here" I put my head down on my desk. Why did she choose to come here. Whywhywhywhy.

(Sorry I haven't been updating in a long time, I had a huge writers block and couldn't focus.)

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