They leave, one by one...

485 10 14

(TW: su1c1de)

I woke up and saw ibuki standing over me, smiling. "HOLY SHI-" "Helloooooo!" I quickly sat up "HOW DID YOU GET IN!" "You left your door unlocked!" She stepped back from my bed so I could get up. "Ok well still gives you no reason to come in here." I said, taking my shirt off and putting on a blue sweater. "I actually do have a reason! Ibuki, mikan and sonia are gonna eat breakfast together and we want you to come" "fine I'll come" I said, putting on gray sweat pants and white shoes. "Great! Cya!" She then ran out of my room.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair before grabbing my books and leaving. "Hey skank!" oh dear god. "How's your pervert boyfriend! You know he only wants you for your body! Rightttttt?" fucking bitch. "He's fine, thanks for asking" I said, smiling sarcastically before walking off. That actually hurt. I walked into the cafeteria but I couldn't find them, so I just sat down alone and started reading. I heard my phone ring so I walked out and answered it. "Hello?" "C-come home" "why?.." "now, y/n" "well I-" "NOW!" He then hung up. I texted teruteru saying I wont be there today and ran outside to my car. (yes you can drive 🙄✋) I quickly got in and turned on the car. I then started to drive home, still clueless.

When I got home I got out and ran inside. When I got there I saw my brother shaking and crying. "What's wrong?" I said trying to comfort him. "u-up stairs... in d-dad's room.." he struggled to get out. I nodded then ran upstairs to my father's room. I opened the door and froze instantly. I saw my dads cold, lifeless body hanging from a rope. "" I said trying to hold back tears. "d-dad...n-no..." I dropped down onto my knees and covered my face with my hands. "dad..?..." was all I could get out before I started crying. I felt my brother hug my arm. I removed him from the embrace and hugged him. "I-its...gonna b-be..ok here..." I then picked him up. I set him down then started texting kirigiri

Y/N: so..I need you to take care of ray for a while...

Kiyoko: how come?

Y/N: something...happened to our father and I can't bring ray to hopes peak

Kiyoko: alright, I suppose I can take care of him

Y/N: thank you, kiyoko.

I put my phone away and picked ray back up. "Your gonna be with kiyoko for a while buddy!.. I'll pick you up once I get home for winter break, ok?" I said, walking out to my car. "o-ok.." he said. I put him in the back seat and buckled him in. "ray..everythings gonna be ok.. try to stay strong like dad and I always wanted you to..." "I will..yeah I will!" He said, very proudly. I smiled then went to the front seat and got in. I closed the door and started the car. I then started to drive to kirigiri's home.

When we got there I stopped the car and got out get ray. I opened his door and got him out of his seat then carried him inside.

I explained everything to kyoko then set him down but he hugged my leg. "Thank you, kirigiri." I said with a smile. "Dont mention it. I really hope you guys recover from his death though." "We will." I said then kneeled down to rays height. I reached out my arms for him to hug me then he went straight to them and hugged me back. "I'll be back...I promise." I then just let him hug me for a good long while

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