Part 13

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I opened his door.
"Y/n the cat bit my finger and now is bleeding!" Ray said crying. I sighed in relief. "I thought you were seriously hurt!" I yelled. "I am seriously hurt now go get a band-aid dummy!" He said. I got a band-aid for him and walked back to teru and my friends. "Our cat bit him." I said sitting next to teru. "Anyway what are we gonna do?" I asked. "SPIN THE BOTTLE!!" Ibuki yelled. "Yeah lets to that!" Kazuichi chimed in. "Fine spin the bottle it is." I said groaning.

After a bit I got annoyed so I walked out saying I needed to go to the bathroom. I was really just hanging out with my brother. I forgot all about spin the bottle so when me and my brother walked out he accidentally slammed his door shut. I then got nervous that they would know I was hiding from them. I just sighed and walked into the kitchen where ray wanted to go.

Ray was looking through a cook book I had when teruteru walked out. He looked sad. "What's wrong?" I asked. "When someone landed on me everyone said to re-spin." He responded. I knelt down and hugged him. I let go of the hug then kissed him. "There." I smiled. He blushed at me. "Thank you darling." I felt someone tap my arm. I turned around and saw ray holding my cook book. "Lets make sugar cookies!" He said. I laughed. "Alright." I grabbed the cook book from him and looked at teru. "Do you wanna help?" I asked. He nodded then we started making them.

Once they got In the oven I went back to the group and they were fighting over the next game idea. "Uh-" I said confused. "Y/N!! IBUKI THOUGHT YOU DIED!!" Ibuki shouted. "Ok but what's happening." I asked. "We are seeing what game we should play next." Peko said. "What game was said most." I asked. "Monopoly." Said ibuki. "I'm scared because ibuki almost killed we when we played it before." Said Kazuichi. "Yeah and I'll do it again!" Said ibuki. I laughed. "I'll get the game in a minute, for now hang out in the living room." Everyone came out of my room and I saw ray and teruteru talking about my baking. "Yeah! Her baking is amazing!" Ray said. I smiled at him then saw him take one of the cookies off the tray. Teru looked concerned but I chimed in. "Fun fact ray eats some things so fast he can't even tell if its hot or not." Then we heard ray yell done. "See?" Teru looked confused yet amazed.

I got monopoly out for everyone else. Me and teru didn't wanna play because we didn't wanna get into a fight with people. So me ray and teru sat aside and watched them. After a little ray went back to his room so me and teru cuddled together. My cat layed on my lap and fell asleep.

After they were done ibuki kept bragging about winning while everyone else groaned. Me and teru said goodbye to them all then went to my room. I was about to change my shirt so I was gonna tell teru to look away but I was tired and really didn't care. So I just changed my shirt in front of him. When I was done he was blushing darkly. "Are you gonna change?" I asked. "W-Well I didn't bring any clothes so.." i gave him a t-shirt and shorts. He changed in my bathroom then came back out. "Yeah they're a bit big but it's fine." I said. He climbed back in bed with me then we cuddled each other to sleep.

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