Chapter 1: Valentine's day

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In this story, Lincoln is 14 while Taylor (Bully QT) is 16. Also, Taylor doesn't have a last name in the wiki so I just made her last name Ophelia




Love was in the hormonal-fueled air at Royal Woods High School. Clyde and Chloe were walking hand in hand down the hall, Liam was sucking face with Tabby, Chandler was trying and failing to seduce any female that walked his way, Rusty and Penelope were also making out, in the middle of the hallway, Zach and Grace Aka: Giggles, were currently out on a date, Luna and Sam were spending time at the mall, Luan and Benny were hosting a show together at the park, Lucy and Rocky were having a picnic. Most everyone was with someone.

The only one that was feeling lonely this Valentine's Day was none other than Lincoln Loud. Not much had changed about the boy, his hair was a bit longer, now reaching and covering the back of his neck, he also combed his bangs to the side and out of his face, but for some reason, most of his hair would still look like it was a bit uncombed. He wore an orange shirt with grey sleeves, a pair of baby blue jeans, and a pair of red and black shoes.

Most everyone ignored him, and his friends also gave him some light-hearted jabs about being single. Lincoln would simply sigh in response with a smile and he would agree and play along with their jokes, but it did get to him a little. Lincoln also didn't want to be at home right now due to all the love going around, so he decided to attend Saturday classes which were just students looking for extra credit and Lincoln could use some of those for Literature. He arrived at the school and went to his locker, he put in the combination and unlocked his locker, he then looked for a notebook and once he found one, he took it out and headed to the literature class which was being taught by Mrs. Bernardo, the Drama class teacher.

As he entered Mrs. Bernardo's classroom, he noticed who else was there with him. In the class was Stella, Christina, Boy Jordan, Mollie, Girl Jordan, Poppa Wheelie, and the last person he expected was Taylor Ophelia, one of his many bullies, well maybe? She didn't bully him as much as the others did.

"Ah! I'm glad you could make it Lincoln, we were just about to begin" Ms. Bernardo said, "Today being Valentine's day and all, we will be going over some of the most well-known romance stories ever published. I for one really enjoy Romeo and Juliet."

Taylor then raised her hand, "Doesn't everybody die in that story?"

"Yes. The two lovers perished at the end of the story due to very unfortunate circumstances and events, but still a love story none the less" Ms. Bernardo said, "Now, can anyone tell me another famous romance story?"

"50 shades of grey?" Boy Jordan spoke up.

The entire class looked at him in shock and Ms. Bernardo had gained a bit of a blush. "I don't think that is quite what I'm looking for," She said "anyone else?"

Lincoln then raised his hand, "I have one, it's not really a story, but a poem"

"What is it?" Mrs. Bernardo asked

"In The Orchard, by Muriel Stuart," Lincoln said

"I've never heard of it," Mrs. Bernardo said a bit embarrassed

Lincoln just smiled, "it's alright," he said "I've only read it since my sister Lucy is a bit of a poet"

Mrs. Bernardo nodded "Can you name another, Lincoln?"

"What about the musical, Phantom of the Opera?" Lincoln asked

"Did you pick that one because you're ugly?" Poppa Wheelie taunted.

Mrs. Bernardo reprimanded Poppa Wheelie told him off a little but Poppa Wheelie's words caused Lincoln's mood to travel further south than what it had been moments before.

'Maybe he's right.' Lincoln thought to himself 'Nobody seems romantically interested in me, hell, even Rusty got a girl friend'

Lincoln sighed at all of this. He really did hate Valentine's day. To him, it was like Friday the 13th. He just had really bad luck on this day. He rested his head in his hands and listened as Mrs. Bernardo began to explain what made a good love story and how each one differed from another.




Lincoln was then shaken awake and he looked up to see Mrs. Bernardo waking him up.

"You kind of fell asleep near the end, everyone else left for home, though you may need to hurry back to your house," Mrs. Bernardo said

"what? why?" He asked

"It started to rain a little about 10 minutes ago and it started out as a drizzle but now it's pouring out there"

Lincoln looked outside the window and saw the dark grey clouds forming and even saw a few drops of water on the window. Lincoln nodded and thanked the teacher for telling him as well as teaching him today. He walked out of the classroom and headed downstairs and walked out of the front doors and suddenly, it began to rain even harder. Lincoln groaned and sighed

"What a perfect way to start Valentine's Day." He remarked sarcastically

As he walked out into the pouring rain, he was forced to use his backpack as a sort of umbrella, but it did no good in that regard. He kept walking until he passed by the park, where could hear someone singing. It was nice and peaceful, soft and light. it really was a nice voice, nowhere near Luna's of course, but it was still very pleasant to hear

"~Du Du Du Du Du Du Du Du Du~" Came the voice "~Du Du Du Du Du Du Du Du Du~"

Turning around, he peeked behind a bush and looked to the park and could see someone walking toward the entrance he was at, but they didn't notice him, but when he saw who it was, he was very surprised and slightly amused to find none other than Taylor singing and, oddly enough, tap dancing as it rained down on the two of them. She didn't notice that she had caught his attention, she seemed to be lost in her head as she sang and danced in the rain

"~I'm singin' in the rain~ Just singin' in the rain~" She sang "~What a glorious feeling~ And I'm happy again~!"

He watched as she tapped danced, kicking the water up and making beats with her feet, and she even twirled her Umbrella. It was amazing to see her dance and it actually brought a smile to his face, however, he could admit it was a bit odd. Although, he had never seen Taylor have such a kind and soft smile...

"~I'm laughing at clouds~ So dark, up above~" She sang "~The sun's in my heart~ And I'm ready for love~!"

With that, she did one final twirl in front of him before she stopped and giggled, proud of her supposed isolated performance. That was until Lincoln tried to walk away slowly, only to pump into a trashcan, she heard the loud crash and turned around. Her eyes quickly landed on Lincoln and he stared back at her, frozen in shock and mostly fear.

'Yeah, I'm bigger now, but she can still kick my ass! she's almost as tough as Lynn!' Lincoln told himself as well as addressing the readers

Taylor just kept staring like a deer in headlights, She gained a huge blush but her eyes were hidden as she gritted her teeth and looked angry at the boy. However, instead of beating him up, she then ran off, what Lincoln could only assume to be in embarrassment and Lincoln wanted to follow her and apologize, but she was already far away and he just sighed as he continued walking back to his house, and the rain kept pouring and the weather not seeming to let up. No doubt he was gonna get soaked and maybe even get a cold tomorrow.

"I just love Valentine's day..." Lincoln mumbled sarcastically.

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