Chapter 5: Little Dark Age

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Currently, Lincoln was in his room drinking a large cup of soda just to stay awake.

It hadn't been easy for the young boy, the nightmares got worse and worse to the point that he didn't even feel like he should sleep, which is the unfortunate route he had taken, Lincoln had not slept in three days and he had looked disheveled. There were bags under his eyes, and his eyes were red from lack of sleep, his hair was also a mess and looked like a ragged white rug, and his clothes stank as he hadn't changed them In three days of course. His condition was clear as day. Most of his friends noticed it as did his family, the only other person who hadn't was Taylor and that was because they haven't seen each other in a week due to schedule differences both at home and school.

Suddenly, there was a knock at his door and Lincoln turned to it and saw it open, and in walked Lisa

"Hello dearest brother" Lisa greeted

"What do you want Lisa?" Lincoln asked with a tired tone.

"I only wished to see if you are in good health" Lisa "and from my brief observation you don't seem well, is everything ok?"

"I'm fine Lisa... I just haven't been sleeping well" Lincoln said

"I know lack of sleep when I see it Lincoln," Lisa said, "what is going on that it has been causing you to lose sleep dear brother?"

Lincoln looked at his youngest sister and sighed, he thought it might be good to talk to her since she was one of the smartest people he knew and she might be able to help him. "I've been having nightmares," Lincoln told her

"About what?" Lisa asked

"Just... I'm in a dark place, rains falling on me and I'm cold and I hear voices yelling at me" Lincoln said

"What are they yelling?" Lisa asked

"They're telling me to get out and to leave them alone and their calling me bad luck"

Lisa's eyes widened a little bit Lincoln didn't notice it at all, "you said bad luck?" Lisa asked

"Yeah, why?"

Lisa just shrugged, "no particular reason... just reminded me of another nightmare you had," Lisa said "anything besides that?"

Lincoln shook his head, "no, but the voice keeps getting louder and louder and it's just... It's scaring the hell out of me" Lincoln said

Lisa just nodded and gave him a soft smile, "Don't worry Lincoln, I'm sure it will come to pass" Lisa said

Lincoln smiled at her "thanks Lisa" he said

"No need to thank me, brother," Lisa said "Just trying to be a good sister," she said

Lisa then walked out of his room and closed the door behind her before she began to walk down the hall t her room, but looked back at her brother's room with a sad look and then sighed as she walked back to her room.

'It seems he's beginning to remember' Lisa told herself as she entered the room and closed her door

Just then, back inside Lincoln's room, Lincoln saw his phone light up and saw that Luna was calling him, and then he heard his ringer o his phone ring and he answered it quickly answered the phone.

"Hey Luna" Lincoln greeted weakly but with a smile

[hey bro! guess what!?] Luna asked

"Chicken Butt?" Lincoln asked with a smile

[Ha Ha Ha, keep the bad jokes to Luan] Luna said [Look, me and the band are going to be performing in the park today for a charity event to help the Highschool with their budget and I was hoping your friends could come and watch, what ya say?] she asked

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