Chapter 3: Meeting again

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With the school day over, Lincoln eventually returned home and got on his laptop to watch a few Youtube videos and just relax. It hadn't been a rough day, but still, getting up early and having to sit down and listen to adults drone on and on about a certain subject got really boring. If only the school could be a little more active in their teaching, then Lincoln wouldn't almost fall asleep in half those classes.

Currently, Lincoln was sitting at his desk just watching any video on his laptop that interest him to make his day less boring. However, there was a knock on his door and he got up and opened it and saw Lily, who was now 5-years-old, she looked at her older brother and had a smile on her face, and Lincoln couldn't help but smile to

"Hi, Lincoln!" She greeted cheerfully

"Hi Lily" Lincoln greeted with a smile, "What's up?" he asked

"Could you take me to the park later? Mikey said he was going to be there and I wanna go play with him" She said

Ah, Lily's new friend Mikey, a young Hispanic boy her age and was in the same class. Lincoln had seen him around when he came over to play with Lily. He was a really nice kid, and even like some of the things Lily liked. Lincoln nodded, "Sure, just let me know when you wanna go and I'll take you"

"Thanks, Lincoln!" She said as she gave him a quick hug and then ran off to her room.

Lincoln smiled and he then went back to his room and sat back at his desk and just continued watching any video on his laptop until Lily was ready to head over to the park.

However, Lincoln should have remembered that when a kid says later, they mean in a few seconds, because after a few minutes, Lily knocked on his door again and ready to go to the park. Lincoln sighed but with a smile as he should have expected Lily to want to go right away. He wished he could still have the energy to do things as she did. He just closed his laptop and plugged it in while he would be gone, and closed his room and told his mother that he would be taking Lily to the park and she told them to be safe both saying and promising that they would and with that over, they had left the loud house.

They walked down the street and made their way to the park, Lily holding onto Lincoln's right hand firmly and lincoln doing the same with her left, making sure she didn't fall or hurt herself. Lincoln smiled again noticing how much energy Lily had and how happy she was to go play at the park.

Eventually, after a long walk, they had arrived at the park and Lily looked around quickly over to the playground area and tried to find Mikey somewhere on it or near it.

"Lily! Lily! Over here!" Came a voice

Lily turned to her right as did Lincoln and Lily looked to see Mikey running up to her with a huge grin on his face. Lily then let go of Lincoln hand and rushed over to Mikey as well and the two hugged tightly before parting and then laughing

"You made it!" Mikey cried with glee

"yeah! Lincoln brought me!"

Mikey then looked behind her and smiled at the older boy, "Hi Lincoln!" Mikey said with a bright smile

Lincoln smiled back and gave the boy a wave, "Sup Mikey" Lincoln greeted

Mikey smiled and then looked back to Lily, "My sister brought me today! She's getting me some Ice-cream!" Mikey said

"Aw! Lucky!" Lily said with a bit of a grin

"Hey Mikey, I'm back and I got your favorite! so come and eat it before it-"

Suddenly, something very unexpected happened to Lincoln, the last person he had expected to even show their face again here in the park. Taylor Ophelia stood behind Mikey with two cones of ice cream in her hands, one with chocolate and one with both Strawberry and Vinella mixed. The reason she stopped mid-sentence was that she too had spotted the last person she had expected to see again today at this very park. Lincoln Loud.

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