Chapter 8: No such Luck remembering...

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Taylor arrived at the park with Mikey, and they saw Lily playing on the playground with a few other kids, Mikey quickly rushed to go play with Lily and Taylor looked for her brother, thankfully, he had come but once she was him, her eyes filled with concern as Lincoln looked like he hadn't been sleeping well at all, he was dozing off and waking back up over and over again.

this was the 2nd time she had seen him like this and that made her worry. She walked over to the bench and sat next to him, shaking his shoulder slightly to wake him up, which it did, as he turned to her, now fully awake.

Lincoln looked at her with wide eyes, "Taylor? When you get here?" Lincoln asked.

"Just barely," She replied, "You ok? You still look like crap," She told him.

Lincoln chuckled, "Ugh... I feel like crap," he told he leaned over and put his face in his hands.

Taylor looked at him, concern still on her face, "Nightmares again?" She asked.

Lincoln slowly nodded, "They haven't stopped, they have before but... they just keep on going, and I... I'm getting scared," He told her. "They're getting more real, feeling more real, like they actually happened and a part of me feels like what happened in the nightmare did happen, but when I ask my sisters they all say that it's just a bad dream and it never happened and I don't know if I believe them or not, and it all feels like I'm going crazy!" He cried, his voice rising with confusion and fear.

Taylor could see how much this was tearing Lincoln up and she knew that something was extremely wrong here, and she knew she needed to help him get to the bottom of it, maybe she was right and it was something like repressed memories or maybe it really was just nightmares, but she wanted to help Lincoln and find out what was causing all of this, and she knew just who to go to for answers about this kind of stuff.

Taylor grabbed his hand and looked at him, "I think I know someone who can help you figure this stuff out," Taylor told him. "Listen, tomorrow let's meet up here and I'll take you to them and we can figure out if these are really dreams or repressed memories," Taylor told him.

Lincoln looked at her and nodded, simply wanting to know what was going on with him, and while he usually asked Lucy about this kind of thing, she wasn't being much help when he asked about it before, so he couldn't turn to her.

Taylor gave him a smile and she relaxed, but then another thought popped into her head, reminding her about the day before with Evelynn.

"Hey, you know Evelynn, right?" Taylor asked.

Lincoln nodded, "Yeah, why?" He asked.

Taylor looked away and to the ground, "You know she's got the hots for you right?"

Lincoln was surprised to hear that and he raised a brow, "Really?" He asked. "That's weird..." he said.

Taylor looked back at him, her brow raised with confusion, "How is that weird?" she asked.

Lincoln looked back at her, "Well, we're more acquaintances, we've hung out a few times and we're partnered up for a class project, but that's about it, I never really knew much about her," He told her, "I don't know what about me she finds attractive," he told her.

Taylor smiled, "I have a few guesses," She told him.

Lincoln looked at her with a raised brow, "What?" He asked.

Taylor looked at him with a smile, "Well, you're a nice guy, not over the top nice, but a nice guy, you care about other people and want to help them in any way you can, not to mention you're... cute," Taylor said with a small blush.

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