Chapter 2: I saw Nothing!

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A Day has officially passed since Valentine's day and Lincoln Loud entered Royal Woods High School, it was early in the morning so not a lot of people arrived, and Lincoln liked coming early because it gave him time to spend time with Liam, who also woke up very early and came to school. As he entered the school, Lincoln prayed for one thing and one thing only.

'God, Please don't let me run into Taylor! Please don't let me run into Taylor! Please don't let me-'



As Lincoln turned around to face the direction of where he heard Taylor's voice, he was suddenly grabbed by the collar of his shirt and dragged away from the sight of any other lingering students that also came early. Lincoln was fearful of what was going to happen next, but just then, he found himself slammed against a locker before a hand slammed right next to him on his right side and Taylor looked him dead in the eye.

A lot had changed about her, Taylor still wore a pair of red jean shorts but now under them were fishnet leggings and she wore a pair of black platform heeled boots, she also wore a black longsleeved shirt with some small rips in the shirt around her neck, and she wore a dark red jacket over it and she was still taller then lincoln but only by a few feet.

Taylor glared at him, and Lincoln could already feel himself sweating bullets and maybe he was blushing a little, after all, even if she was a bully she was extremely hot, at least Lincoln thought so... 'Not now brain!'

"You saw, didn't you?" Taylor asked

Now, Lincoln could have sworn she was blushing a little but that was the last thing he wanted to focus on, he was more focused on what he was going to say next, say the wrong thing and he might end up with a black eye or a busted lip. "W-W-What? What are you ta-talking about Taylor? What d-did I see?" He asked, clearly sounding nervous and clearly lying

"Don't bullshit me Loud! I saw you yesterday at the park watching me as I... as I... as I

"Danced and sang?"

"Be quiet!" She cried with a blush

Lincoln closed his mouth quickly and nodded

Taylor took a deep breath in but still looked at him with a bit of anger, "what were you doing spying on me?" Taylor asked

"I wasn't spying!" Lincoln cried in a hushed tone, "I was just walking home in the rain and when I passed the park I heard you sing alright! I swear it was an accident!" Lincoln said

Taylor gave him a questioned look before moving away from him, "You keep your mouth shut about what you heard and what you saw, got it Loud!?"

Lincoln nodded his head quickly and Taylor huffed before walking away, and as she walked away Lincoln sighed in relief as she walked away.

'dodged a real bullet right there' Lincoln said to himself, but he then looked down the hallway and saw that Taylor was still walking away and another thought had popped up into his mind

'did her ass always look good in those red jeans and did her legs look that good in those leggings?'

And... with that thought, Lincoln headed to his 1st-period class where he met up with Liam and the two began to chat about whatever came to mind,

Meanwhile, Taylor was in her class waiting for it to start and she was bored since she didn't have Andy or Dan in her 1st-period class. She knew she was gonna be so bored, however, one thought did come to mind

'I wonder if Loud like my singing...'




The school day over, and Taylor thanked the good God above that it had ended. She began walking home since it wasn't far from the school and the park. As she walked, she couldn't help but think about yesterday and how Loud had caught her dancing and singing. Hopefully, he really didn't tell anyone because it was embarrassing to her. Despite her reputation, Taylor had hobbies and things she liked, one of those was dancing. She remembered her love for dance when her dad taught her how to tap dance as well as ballroom dance, but she had fallen in love with dancing because of her dad, he would dance around the house and just sing, sometimes it was really old songs, like "Singing in the Rain" "That's Amore" and "My Way" and it really made her happy when her dad danced... She just wished she could see him dance and sing one more time.

Still, despite her love for singing and dancing, she really didn't want anyone to know because she knew people would make fun of her for it, and that really wasn't something she really liked. In a twisted way, she'd rather be a bully then herself, she just didn't really want people getting to know who. She just didn't want people seeing who she really was, but then again, even she had trouble figuring out who she really was. She shook her head away from some depressing thoughts and she continued to walk home

Eventually, she had returned home and looked around to see her mother was nowhere in sight. Taylor grumbled and sighed as she sped upstairs to see if her little brother had made it home safe from school. when on the second floor, she headed to her brother's room and opened his door, when she did, she saw her 5-year-old brother on his Ipad and watching a few Youtube videos and was just relaxing, when he heard the door opening, he looked over to Taylor and he smiled and he put the Ipad on the bed and ran over to her and hugged her tightly and he then looked up to her with wide blue eyes.

"Hi, Taylor!" He said cheerfully

Taylor smiled back with a soft and kind smile, "Hey Mikey, how was your?"

"Amazing!" He said

"Where's mom?" Taylor asked

"She had to go back to work, but she told me that if I did my homework and waited for you, you'd take me to the park so I could play with my friends"

Taylor sighed, 'figures she had to go back to work... thankfully she did pick him up this time' Taylor thought, she then turned back to her brother and had a soft smile on her face, "Sure Mikey, I'll take you to the park after I finish my homework ok?" She said, "Can you still be good and wait?" She asked

Mikey nodded with a smile and Taylor nodded and told him to watch videos while she did her homework. and he did as she told and Taylor head to her room removed her backpack from her back, opened it up, and got out her work so she could get it done and over with so she could take Mikey to the park.

As she did this, she couldn't help but also think about how stupid her mother was for heading back to work before she got home, Mikey could've gotten hurt, he was only 5! She was just lucky that he was a good kid and mostly did what he was asked to do, still, her mother couldn't wait 30 minutes for her to get home before heading off to work!? That really pissed her off.

this had just ruined her day much more. It had already been a rough day at school with her teachers giving her shit and some stuck-up bitches in her grade not leaving her alone during the last period. But still, she needed to put that away, and just focus on doing her work and get Mikey to the park so he could go play with his little friends. If Mikey was happy, then she would be. that's all the mattered to Taylor at the moment, was seeing Mikey happy. He had least deserved that much.

Taylor sighed, 'I'm so tired of this shit' she thought as she began her work.

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