Chapter 4: On My Own...

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Hey guys! I just wanted to say I'm glad to see you all again and glad that I am writing again because I haven't had access to the internet for a while because I've been out of the country with my family, specifically my house down in Mexico where there is no Wifi and in the middle of nowhere... which meant I couldn't write for a fuck long time, but it did give me time to plan out more of my stories and with that said let's get on with the story!





The rest of the month went on as normal but with slight changes of course. One of these changes, of course, a big changed involved Taylor and Lincolns relationship. At school, Taylor resumed her usual routine of bullying other kids but didn't bully Lincoln as much, and Lincoln just resumed his life with his friends and family but when no one looked he would wave at Taylor who would give him a wave back half of the time. So despite what she said before, they had slowly become friends and even learned more about the other. For example, Lincoln actually learned that Taylor really enjoys old anime shows and movies, like Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Akira, Perfect Blue, Sailor Moon, The Girl who lept through time, Ponyo, and Princess Mononoke

But when not at school, both Taylor and Lincoln took their siblings to the park and talked as if they were actual friends that hung out every minute of the day.

Even exchanging numbers to text each other so their both they and Lily and Mikey could make plans for playdates and they even talked about how their day was and how they were doing in school and sometimes how their homes lives were going, which Taylor never wanted to get into detail about.

However, the day was now March 3rd and Taylor was now at the Park with Mikey waiting for the playdate that the two younger siblings had planned out with their older siblings, however, she noticed that Lincoln and Lily were late for their play date. She looked around for a minute as Mikey just played on the playground.

Taylor kept looking around until finally, she had caught a glimpse of Lily walking up to the park alone. For Taylor to see Lily alone was a bit concerning because usually, she was with Lincoln on these little playdates. She watched as Lily walked over to them and when she was close enough and Taylor walked up to Lily and once she looked at the young girl, Taylor noticed that something was bothering the young girl emotionally.

"Hey Lily" Taylor greeted her softly

Lily looked to Taylor and her expression lightened up a little and smiled at Taylor but she still looked a little troubled, "Hi Taylor!" Lily said with a smile

Taylor smiled at her softly, "Where's your Brother?" Taylor asked

At her question, Lily's expression returned to its troubled look as she looked to the ground, "Lincoln's having his nightmares again" Lily said

"again?" Taylor thought to herself "What does that mean? Does he usually have nightmares?"

"Sometimes... He gets nightmares a lot during this month for some reason" Lily said "Lisa said she might know the reason but she never tells me what it is when I ask"

Taylor found this strange, learning that for some reason Lincoln got nightmares during this month, while she wasn't that close to him and only really got to know him for half a month, it had worried her because from what she had learned even if it was small, Lincoln apparently got nightmares for a while every time March rolled around, but the question was why?

Taylor took herself out of her thoughts and looked to Lily, "Why don't you just go to play with Mikey, and don't worry I'm sure Lincoln is fine" Taylor said, "And how about after you two are done playing I'll get you guys something from the store on the way home?"

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