Chapter 9: Glass Child

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In the Loud House, Lisa was in the kitchen making something to eat, specifically, she was making a PP&J Sandwich. She and Lily were the only ones home as everyone else was doing something else. Lisa continued getting the things she needed and began making the sandwich, she heard the front door open and then slam shut. While it shocked her for a bit, she assumed it was Either Lola or Lana, but when she didn't hear anything, she was somewhat suspicious. However, that's when she heard Lily greet them

"Lincoln!" Lily cried.

Lisa smiled, glad to know it was only her brother and that everything was-


Hearing her youngest sibling scream, Lisa put everything down and quickly ran into the living room, once she arrived in the living room, she saw Lily with a terrified look and grabbing Lincoln, who was just hitting himself over the head with his fists.

"Lincoln! Lincoln what's wrong!? A-Are you ok!? What's wrong!?" Lily cried.

Lincoln wasn't responding, he simply muttered to himself as he kept hitting himself over the head as hard as he could, which was beginning to scare Lisa.

"Lincoln!" Lisa called out to him.

Hearing her voice, Lincoln turned around to look at her and when he did, Lisa saw why Lily was so scared and why she asked if he was okay. When Lisa looked at her brother, she saw Lincoln bleeding from his eyes and nose.

"L-Lincoln...?" Lisa called out to her brother, her tone laced with worry and terror. "What... What happened?" Lisa asked as she slowly approached her brother. 

Lincoln then glares at her as he keeps bleeding from his eyes and nose, "What... did... you do...?" Lincoln asked, his tone full of anger.

Lisa's terror began to rise as she looked at her brother, "Wh-What are you-?"

"DON'T FUCKING LIE TO ME!" Lincoln cried as he walked over to her. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME LISA!? WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!?" Lincoln cried as the blood from his eyes and nose grew.

Lisa was frozen in shock as she realized just how dire the situation was. However, how did this all come to be?

It all started earlier that day...

Lincoln had left the house and told his parents that he was going to hang out with Taylor and they said they and some of his other sister would be out as well and Lincoln bid them goodbye. Eventually, he met up with Taylor and they greeted each other with a quick kiss and Taylor then told him what part of town they were going to and where this Hypnotist was. After taking a bus and then getting off and walking a few minutes to an apartment complex, they walked toward it and went to an apartment that was numbered "4". 

Lincoln looked at Taylor with a raised brow, "This is where your hypnotist lives?"

Taylor turned to him with a smirk, "What? Expecting an office?" Taylor asked.

Lincoln shrugged, "Kinda," he replied.

Taylor chuckled, "Well, her room's her office, and let me tell you, despite being our age, she's pretty good," Taylor said.

"She's our age?" Lincoln asked with a raised brow.

Taylor didn't answer and simply knocked on the door after a few seconds passed. The door opened and Lincoln was surprised to see who had opened the door.

"Persephone?" Lincoln asked.

Persephone was a girl who was a part of Lucy's Mortician's club and Lincoln usually saw her wearing her navy blue Victorian dress, holding her purple parasol, and her hair styled in a bun, however, she appeared to be wearing what appeared to be a spiderweb patterned onesie with her hair a bit messy and curly. She appeared to have a bowl of cereal in her hand and looked tired.

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