Chapter Six: Friend and Foe.

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I hoped to god Becky hadn’t got the wrong idea out of helping me. She didn’t think I wanted her to flirt with Ash and make him leave me out of the question... Did she? Because that’s what she was doing. She was sat really close to him, close enough to be laid across his lap. And she seemed to keep nudging him, touching him. I made me even angrier. I felt Liam sit down beside me. He nodded over to Becky and Ash; obviously he’d noticed it too. “What’s with them?” He linked his hand through mine and I stared at it like it was some sort of poison. “Dunno.” I spat the word through gritted teeth at my spiteful mood. I knew what was up, but it was unexplainable to Liam. I didn’t want him to know I had any feelings for Ash either. It would be too obvious if I told him how Becky was flirting with him, it’d be too obvious I was jealous. I stared at the two of them all drama, I was off task and preoccupied by the flirting pair. Ash didn’t have anything for Becky did he? Because if he did, then why did he let me sleep with him last night? I couldn’t wait to interrogate him in English. This was different for me; I wasn’t usually the one to look forward to English with him. 

We sat at our usual table in the corner at the back; Ash always seemed very close to me in English and today was no exception. “You always been close to Becky?” I just came out and said it because I couldn’t stand it any longer. He looked over at me, confused. “Eh? Well, not really. She’s very friendly though.” 

“Too friendly.” I muttered. 


“Nothing.” I shrugged it off and didn’t look at him. I laid my palms down flat on the table. Admiring my shocking nails. I looked over to where Becky sat and I found here staring over at Ash. I gawked at her until she saw me. She shot thumbs up my way and I pretended to slit my throat with my finger. I shook my head at her, but she acted like she didn’t understand me. Ash followed my gaze, and she waved when he noticed her. “Are you jealous?” He turned to me, his mouth dropped and his eyes widened. “You are, aren’t you!?” I slapped his leg.

“No I am not!” 

“Shh!” Miss shh’ed us from the front. I mimed an apology and went back to Ash.

“Oh you are.”

“No, I’m not. Ash, give up.” He moved a little away from me. 

“Okay. Becky’s a nice girl. Don’t hurt her Cassie, else I’ll hurt you.” What the actual fuck? What the hell is he on about? He’ll hurt me if I hurt her? I’m not going to hurt her, why would I hurt her!?

“What? Why would I hurt Becky?” I let my left eyebrow rise at his accusations.

“Because you’re jealous of our friendship. Well I’m sorry, if I’m not allowed friends then maybe...” Maybe? “Maybe I shouldn’t have anything to do with you, if it concerns you that much.” No! Don’t say that Ash! What’s happening in my life? I can’t stand any more drama!


Oh no. What have I done? I just said I don’t want anything to do with Cassie Brooks! Oh man, no! You idiot! That’s Cassie you’re talking to! Now she thinks I like Becky. Becky Coral. I didn’t like Becky! But come to mention it, she had suddenly started getting closer to me. We’d flirted maybe a little in science but that was it! Nothing more! I like Cassie. End of story. I had to make this right. “Cassie, I didn’t mean it. I just...” She seemed a little hurt at my words, but still, she covered it well. Not well enough. I could read this girl like a book. I tried to grab her hand, but she just pushed me away. She was angry, but upset; I could almost see the tears prickling at her eyes. She hid her face in her hands. “Cassie please. I don’t like Becky. Honest.” It wasn’t very convincing, but still, worth a try. She pulled up. No tears on her face, yet she wiped at her eyes ferociously. “Sure sure, whatever you say. Not like your lying or anything. Just spend a night with one girl and with another the next, y’know what? You should bring Becky back to the home. She’d love that.” Her words cut deep into me. But I had to be strong. Shame is about being strong; sometimes you forget to keep it up...

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